All Classes and Interfaces

Bridge between Android's OS accessibility system and Flutter's accessibility system.
Listener that can be set on a AccessibilityBridge, which is invoked any time accessibility is turned on/off, or touch exploration is turned on/off.
System channel that sends accessibility requests and events from Flutter to Android.
Handler that receives accessibility messages sent from Flutter to Android through a given AccessibilityChannel.
FlutterPlugin that is interested in Activity lifecycle events related to a FlutterEngine running within the given Activity.
Control surface through which an Activity attaches to a FlutterEngine.
Binding that gives ActivityAware plugins access to an associated Activity and the Activity's lifecycle methods.
Sends touch information from Android to Flutter in a format that Flutter understands.
Loads application information given a Context.
A MethodChannel for communicating back gesture events to the Flutter framework.
A named channel for communicating with the Flutter application using basic, asynchronous message passing.
A handler of incoming messages.
Message reply callback.
A MessageCodec using unencoded binary messages, represented as ByteBuffers.
Facility for communicating with Flutter using asynchronous message passing with binary messages.
Handler for incoming binary messages from Flutter.
Binary message reply callback.
An abstraction over the threading policy used to invoke message handlers.
Options that control how a TaskQueue should operate and be created.
A FlutterPlugin that wants to know when it is running within a BroadcastReceiver.
Control surface through which a BroadcastReceiver attaches to a FlutterEngine.
Binding that gives BroadcastReceiverAware plugins access to an associated BroadcastReceiver.
A FlutterPlugin that wants to know when it is running within a ContentProvider.
Control surface through which a ContentProvider attaches to a FlutterEngine.
Binding that gives ContentProviderAware plugins access to an associated ContentProvider.
Configures, bootstraps, and starts executing Dart code.
Configuration options that specify which Dart callback function is executed and where to find that callback and other assets required for Dart execution.
Configuration options that specify which Dart entrypoint function is executed and where to find that entrypoint and other assets required for Dart execution.
Callback interface invoked when the isolate identifier becomes available.
Method channel that handles manual installation requests and queries for installation state for deferred components.
An implementation of MethodChannel.Result that writes error results to the Android log.
A named channel for communicating with the Flutter application using asynchronous event streams.
Event callback.
Handler of stream setup and teardown requests.
An Android App Component exclusively attached to a FlutterEngine.
Activity which displays a fullscreen Flutter UI.
Builder to create an Intent that launches a FlutterActivity with an existing FlutterEngine that is cached in FlutterEngineCache.
Builder to create an Intent that launches a FlutterActivity with a new FlutterEngine created by FlutterEngineGroup#createAndRunEngine.
Builder to create an Intent that launches a FlutterActivity with a new FlutterEngine and the desired configuration.
Collection of Flutter launch configuration options.
The mode of the background of a Flutter Activity, either opaque or transparent.
Encapsulates all the information that Flutter needs from application manifest.
A class representing information for a callback registered using `PluginUtilities` from `dart:ui`.
A single Flutter execution environment.
Lifecycle callbacks for Flutter engine lifecycle events.
Static singleton cache that holds FlutterEngine instances identified by Strings.
Configures a FlutterEngine after it is created, e.g., adds plugins.
Represents a collection of FlutterEngines who share resources to allow them to be created faster and with less memory than calling the FlutterEngine's constructor multiple times.
Options that control how a FlutterEngine should be created.
Static singleton cache that holds FlutterEngineGroup instances identified by Strings.
Provides a FlutterEngine instance to be used by a FlutterActivity or FlutterFragment.
Thrown to indicate that a Flutter method invocation failed on the Flutter side.
Fragment which displays a Flutter UI that takes up all available Fragment space.
Builder that creates a new FlutterFragment that uses a cached FlutterEngine with arguments that correspond to the values set on this Builder.
Builder that creates a new FlutterFragment with arguments that correspond to the values set on this NewEngineFragmentBuilder.
Builder that creates a new FlutterFragment that uses a cached FlutterEngineGroup to create a new FlutterEngine with arguments that correspond to the values set on this Builder.
A Flutter Activity that is based upon FragmentActivity.
Builder to create an Intent that launches a FlutterFragmentActivity with an existing FlutterEngine that is cached in FlutterEngineCache.
Builder to create an Intent that launches a FlutterFragmentActivity with a new FlutterEngine by FlutterEngineGroup#createAndRunEngine.
Builder to create an Intent that launches a FlutterFragmentActivity with a new FlutterEngine and the desired configuration.
Paints a Flutter UI provided by an ImageReader onto a Canvas.
Interface between Flutter embedding's Java code and Flutter engine's C/C++ code.
Delegate responsible for creating and updating Android-side caches of Flutter's semantics tree and custom accessibility actions.
A factory for creating FlutterJNI instances.
Finds Flutter resources in an application APK and also loads Flutter's native library.
The mutator stack containing a list of mutators
The type of a Mutator See FlutterMutatorsStack.FlutterMutator for informations on Mutators.
A view that applies the FlutterMutatorsStack to its children.
Flutter's extension of SplitCompatApplication that injects a PlayStoreDeferredComponentManager with FlutterInjector to enable Split AOT Flutter apps.
Interface to be implemented by all Flutter plugins.
Provides Flutter plugins with access to Flutter asset information.
Resources made available to all plugins registered with a given FlutterEngine.
Represents the rendering responsibilities of a FlutterEngine.
Description of a physical feature on the display.
State of the display feature.
Types of display features that can appear on the viewport.
Mutable data structure that holds all viewport metrics properties that Flutter cares about.
A class containing arguments for entering a FlutterNativeView's isolate for the first time.
Arguments that can be delivered to the Flutter shell when it is created.
Paints a Flutter UI on a Surface.
Paints a Flutter UI on a SurfaceTexture.
Listener invoked when Flutter starts and stops rendering pixels to an Android View hierarchy.
Displays a Flutter UI on an Android device.
Listener that is notified when a FlutterEngine is attached to/detached from a given FlutterView.
A delegate class that performs the task of retrieving the bounding rect values.
Compatability wrapper over Handler.
An Object that can be used to obtain a Lifecycle reference.
A MessageCodec using UTF-8 encoded JSON messages.
A MethodCodec using UTF-8 encoded JSON method calls and result envelopes.
Event message channel for keyboard events to/from the Flutter framework.
Processes keyboard events and cooperate with TextInputPlugin.
Applies the given Unicode character from KeyEvent.getUnicodeChar() to a previously entered Unicode combining character and returns the combination of these characters if a combination exists.
The interface for responding to a KeyEvent asynchronously.
A set of interfaces that the KeyboardManager needs to interact with other components and the platform, and is typically implements by FlutterView.
Static information used by KeyEmbedderResponder.
A physicalKey-logicalKey pair used to define mappings.
An immutable configuration item that defines how to synchronize pressing modifiers (such as Shift or Ctrl), so that the KeyEmbedderResponder must synthesize events until the combined pressing state of KeyboardMap.PressingGoal.keys matches the true meta state masked by KeyboardMap.PressingGoal.mask.
A configuration item that defines how to synchronize toggling modifiers (such as CapsLock), so that the KeyEmbedderResponder must synthesize events until the enabling state of the key matches the true meta state masked by KeyboardMap.TogglingGoal.mask.
A KeyboardManager.Responder of KeyboardManager that handles events by sending the raw information through the method channel.
The resulting Flutter key events generated by KeyEmbedderResponder, and are sent through the messenger after being marshalled with KeyData.toBytes().
The device type of the key data.
The action type of the key data.
A KeyboardManager.Responder of KeyboardManager that handles events by sending processed information in KeyData.
Event message channel for key events to/from the Flutter framework.
A handler of incoming key handling messages.
A key event as defined by Flutter.
A BasicMessageChannel that communicates lifecycle events to the framework.
Sends the platform's locales to Dart.
Handler that receives platform messages sent from Flutter to Android through a given PlatformChannel.
A message encoding/decoding mechanism.
Command object representing a method call on a MethodChannel.
A named channel for communicating with the Flutter application using asynchronous method calls.
A handler of incoming method calls.
Method call result callback.
A codec for method calls and enveloped results.
Tracks the motion events received by the FlutterView.
Represents a unique identifier corresponding to a motion event.
System channel that receives requests for mouse cursor behavior, e.g., set as system cursors.
TODO(mattcarroll): fill in javadoc for NavigationChannel.
System channel that receives requests for host platform behavior, e.g., haptic and sound effects, system chrome configurations, and clipboard interaction.
The color and label of an application that appears in Android's app switcher, AKA recents screen.
Data formats of clipboard content.
The possible desired orientations of a Flutter application.
The types of haptic feedback that the Android OS can generate on behalf of an application.
Handler that receives platform messages sent from Flutter to Android through a given PlatformChannel.
Types of sounds the Android OS can play on behalf of an application.
The color and brightness of system chrome, e.g., status bar and system navigation bar.
The set of Android system fullscreen modes as perceived by the Flutter application.
The set of Android system UI overlays as perceived by the Flutter application.
Handler that receives messages from Dart code.
A host view for Flutter content displayed over a platform view.
Android implementation of the platform plugin.
The PlatformPlugin generally has default behaviors implemented for platform functionalities requested by the Flutter framework.
A BinaryMessenger.TaskQueue that posts to the platform thread (aka main thread).
A handle to an Android view to be embedded in the Flutter hierarchy.
Registry for platform view factories.
A PlatformViewRenderTarget interface allows an Android Platform View to be rendered into an offscreen buffer (usually a texture is involved) that the engine can compose into the FlutterView.
Facilitates interaction between the accessibility bridge and embedded platform views.
System channel that sends 2-way communication between Flutter and Android to facilitate embedding of Android Views within a Flutter application.
Allows to notify when a platform view buffer has been resized.
The platform view buffer size.
Request sent from Flutter to create a new platform view.
Platform view display modes that can be requested at creation time.
Request sent from Flutter to resize a platform view.
Handler that receives platform view messages sent from Flutter to Android through a given PlatformViewsChannel.
The state of a touch event in Flutter within a platform view.
Manages platform views.
Wraps a platform view to intercept gestures and project this view onto a PlatformViewRenderTarget.
Container class for Android API listeners used by ActivityPluginBinding.
Delegate interface for handling activity results on behalf of the main Activity.
Delegate interface for handling new intents on behalf of the main Activity.
Delegate interface for handling result of permissions requests on behalf of the main Activity.
Delegate interface for handling user leave hints on behalf of the main Activity.
Delegate interface for handling window focus changes on behalf of the main Activity.
Static convenience methods that help a method or constructor check whether it was invoked correctly (that is, whether its preconditions were met).
ProcessTextChannel is a platform channel that is used by the framework to initiate text processing feature in the embedding and for the embedding to send back the results.
Render modes for a Flutter UI.
Owns a Surface that FlutterRenderer would like to paint.
System channel to exchange restoration data between framework and engine.
ScribeChannel is a platform channel that is used by the framework to facilitate the Scribe handwriting text input feature.
ScribePlugin is the implementation of all functionality needed for handwriting stylus text input.
A FlutterPlugin that wants to know when it is running within a Service.
Control surface through which a Service attaches to a FlutterEngine.
Binding that gives ServiceAware plugins access to an associated Service.
A FIFO queue that maintains generations of configurations that are potentially used by the Flutter application.
The brightness mode of the host platform.
SpellCheckChannel is a platform channel that is used by the framework to initiate spell check in the embedding and for the embedding to send back the results.
SpellCheckPlugin is the implementation of all functionality needed for spell check for text input.
MessageCodec using the Flutter standard binary encoding.
A MethodCodec using the Flutter standard binary encoding.
A MessageCodec using UTF-8 encoded String messages.
A wrapper for a SurfaceTexture that tracks whether the texture has been released.
TODO(mattcarroll): fill in javadoc for SystemChannel.
TextInputChannel is a platform channel between Android and Flutter that is used to communicate information about the user's text input.
A text editing configuration.
A text input type.
Text capitalization schemes.
State of an on-going text editing session.
Types of text input.
Android implementation of the text input plugin.
Registry of backend textures used with a single FlutterView instance.
Listener invoked when the most recent image has been consumed.
Listener invoked when a memory pressure warning was forward.
Uses a Surface to populate the texture.
A registry entry for a managed SurfaceTexture.
An entry in the texture registry.
Transparency mode for a Flutter UI.
Allows to visit a view.
Wraps WindowInfoTrackerCallbackAdapter in order to be able to mock it during testing.