Flutter macOS Embedder
TestView Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for TestView:

Instance Methods

(nonnull instancetype) - init
- Instance Methods inherited from <FlutterSurfaceManagerDelegate>
(void) - onPresent:withBlock:


CGSize presentedFrameSize

Detailed Description

Definition at line 14 of file FlutterSurfaceManagerTest.mm.

Method Documentation

◆ init

- (instancetype) init

Definition at line 23 of file FlutterSurfaceManagerTest.mm.

23  {
24  self = [super initWithFrame:NSZeroRect];
25  if (self) {
26  [self setWantsLayer:YES];
27  self.layer.contentsScale = 2.0;
28  }
29  return self;
30 }

Property Documentation

◆ presentedFrameSize

- (CGSize) presentedFrameSize

Definition at line 16 of file FlutterSurfaceManagerTest.mm.

Referenced by flutter::testing::TEST().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: