Flutter macOS Embedder
FlutterViewTest.mm File Reference
#import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/macos/framework/Source/FlutterView.h"
#import <Metal/Metal.h>
#import "flutter/testing/testing.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  TestFlutterViewDelegate
class  TestFlutterView
class  TestCursor


 TEST (FlutterView, ShouldInheritContentsScaleReturnsYes)
 TEST (FlutterView, CursorUpdateDoesHitTest)
 TEST (FlutterView, CursorUpdateDoesNotOverridePlatformView)


constexpr int64_t kImplicitViewId = 0ll

Function Documentation

◆ TEST() [1/3]

TEST ( FlutterView  ,

Definition at line 73 of file FlutterViewTest.mm.

73  {
74  id<MTLDevice> device = MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice();
75  id<MTLCommandQueue> queue = [device newCommandQueue];
76  TestFlutterViewDelegate* delegate = [[TestFlutterViewDelegate alloc] init];
77  FlutterThreadSynchronizer* threadSynchronizer = [[FlutterThreadSynchronizer alloc] init];
78  TestFlutterView* view = [[TestFlutterView alloc] initWithMTLDevice:device
79  commandQueue:queue
80  delegate:delegate
81  threadSynchronizer:threadSynchronizer
82  viewIdentifier:kImplicitViewId];
83  NSWindow* window = [[NSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 800, 600)
84  styleMask:NSBorderlessWindowMask
85  backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered
86  defer:NO];
88  TestCursor* cursor = [[TestCursor alloc] init];
90  window.contentView = view;
91  __weak NSView* weakView = view;
92  __block BOOL hitTestCalled = NO;
93  __block NSPoint hitTestCoordinate = NSZeroPoint;
94  view.onHitTest = ^NSView*(NSPoint point) {
95  hitTestCalled = YES;
96  hitTestCoordinate = point;
97  return weakView;
98  };
99  NSEvent* mouseEvent = [NSEvent mouseEventWithType:NSEventTypeMouseMoved
100  location:NSMakePoint(100, 100)
101  modifierFlags:0
102  timestamp:0
103  windowNumber:0
104  context:nil
105  eventNumber:0
106  clickCount:0
107  pressure:0];
108  [view didUpdateMouseCursor:cursor];
109  [view cursorUpdate:mouseEvent];
111  EXPECT_TRUE(hitTestCalled);
112  // The hit test coordinate should be in the window coordinate system.
113  EXPECT_TRUE(CGPointEqualToPoint(hitTestCoordinate, CGPointMake(100, 100)));
114  EXPECT_TRUE(cursor.setCalled);
115 }

References FlutterView::didUpdateMouseCursor:, TestFlutterView::onHitTest, and TestCursor::setCalled.

◆ TEST() [2/3]

TEST ( FlutterView  ,

Definition at line 117 of file FlutterViewTest.mm.

117  {
118  id<MTLDevice> device = MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice();
119  id<MTLCommandQueue> queue = [device newCommandQueue];
120  TestFlutterViewDelegate* delegate = [[TestFlutterViewDelegate alloc] init];
121  FlutterThreadSynchronizer* threadSynchronizer = [[FlutterThreadSynchronizer alloc] init];
122  TestFlutterView* view = [[TestFlutterView alloc] initWithMTLDevice:device
123  commandQueue:queue
124  delegate:delegate
125  threadSynchronizer:threadSynchronizer
126  viewIdentifier:kImplicitViewId];
127  NSWindow* window = [[NSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 800, 600)
128  styleMask:NSBorderlessWindowMask
129  backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered
130  defer:NO];
132  TestCursor* cursor = [[TestCursor alloc] init];
134  NSView* platformView = [[NSView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 100, 100)];
136  window.contentView = view;
137  __block BOOL hitTestCalled = NO;
138  __block NSPoint hitTestCoordinate = NSZeroPoint;
139  view.onHitTest = ^NSView*(NSPoint point) {
140  hitTestCalled = YES;
141  hitTestCoordinate = point;
142  return platformView;
143  };
144  NSEvent* mouseEvent = [NSEvent mouseEventWithType:NSEventTypeMouseMoved
145  location:NSMakePoint(100, 100)
146  modifierFlags:0
147  timestamp:0
148  windowNumber:0
149  context:nil
150  eventNumber:0
151  clickCount:0
152  pressure:0];
153  [view didUpdateMouseCursor:cursor];
154  [view cursorUpdate:mouseEvent];
156  EXPECT_TRUE(hitTestCalled);
157  // The hit test coordinate should be in the window coordinate system.
158  EXPECT_TRUE(CGPointEqualToPoint(hitTestCoordinate, CGPointMake(100, 100)));
159  EXPECT_FALSE(cursor.setCalled);
160 }

References FlutterView::didUpdateMouseCursor:, TestFlutterView::onHitTest, and TestCursor::setCalled.

◆ TEST() [3/3]

TEST ( FlutterView  ,

Definition at line 28 of file FlutterViewTest.mm.

28  {
29  id<MTLDevice> device = MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice();
30  id<MTLCommandQueue> queue = [device newCommandQueue];
31  TestFlutterViewDelegate* delegate = [[TestFlutterViewDelegate alloc] init];
32  FlutterThreadSynchronizer* threadSynchronizer = [[FlutterThreadSynchronizer alloc] init];
33  FlutterView* view = [[FlutterView alloc] initWithMTLDevice:device
34  commandQueue:queue
35  delegate:delegate
36  threadSynchronizer:threadSynchronizer
37  viewIdentifier:kImplicitViewId];
38  EXPECT_EQ([view layer:view.layer shouldInheritContentsScale:3.0 fromWindow:view.window], YES);
39 }

Variable Documentation

◆ kImplicitViewId

constexpr int64_t kImplicitViewId = 0ll

Definition at line 11 of file FlutterViewTest.mm.

Definition: FlutterViewTest.mm:61
Definition: FlutterThreadSynchronizer.h:18
Definition: FlutterViewTest.mm:13
Definition: FlutterView.h:35
constexpr int64_t kImplicitViewId
Definition: FlutterViewTest.mm:11
Definition: FlutterViewTest.mm:41