Flutter macOS Embedder
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1 // Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
13 #include "flutter/third_party/accessibility/ax/ax_action_data.h"
14 #include "flutter/third_party/accessibility/ax/ax_node_position.h"
15 #include "flutter/third_party/accessibility/ax/platform/ax_platform_node.h"
16 #include "flutter/third_party/accessibility/ax/platform/ax_platform_node_base.h"
17 #include "flutter/third_party/accessibility/base/string_utils.h"
18 #include "flutter/third_party/accessibility/gfx/geometry/rect_conversions.h"
19 #include "flutter/third_party/accessibility/gfx/mac/coordinate_conversion.h"
21 namespace flutter { // namespace
24  std::weak_ptr<AccessibilityBridge> bridge,
25  __weak FlutterViewController* view_controller)
26  : bridge_(std::move(bridge)), view_controller_(view_controller) {}
28 void FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateMac::Init(std::weak_ptr<OwnerBridge> bridge, ui::AXNode* node) {
30  if (GetData().IsTextField()) {
31  ax_platform_node_ = new FlutterTextPlatformNode(this, view_controller_);
32  } else {
33  ax_platform_node_ = ui::AXPlatformNode::Create(this);
34  }
35  NSCAssert(ax_platform_node_, @"Failed to create platform node.");
36 }
38 void FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateMac::NodeDataChanged(const ui::AXNodeData& old_node_data,
39  const ui::AXNodeData& new_node_data) {
40  if (old_node_data.IsTextField() && !new_node_data.IsTextField()) {
41  ax_platform_node_->Destroy();
42  ax_platform_node_ = ui::AXPlatformNode::Create(this);
43  } else if (!old_node_data.IsTextField() && new_node_data.IsTextField()) {
44  ax_platform_node_->Destroy();
45  ax_platform_node_ = new FlutterTextPlatformNode(this, view_controller_);
46  }
47 }
50  // Destroy() also calls delete on itself.
51  ax_platform_node_->Destroy();
52 }
55  NSCAssert(ax_platform_node_, @"Platform node does not exist.");
56  return ax_platform_node_->GetNativeViewAccessible();
57 }
59 gfx::NativeViewAccessible FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateMac::GetParent() {
60  gfx::NativeViewAccessible parent = FlutterPlatformNodeDelegate::GetParent();
61  if (!parent) {
62  NSCAssert(view_controller_.viewLoaded, @"Flutter view must be loaded");
63  return view_controller_.flutterView;
64  }
65  return parent;
66 }
69  const ui::AXCoordinateSystem coordinate_system,
70  const ui::AXClippingBehavior clipping_behavior,
71  ui::AXOffscreenResult* offscreen_result) const {
72  gfx::Rect local_bounds = FlutterPlatformNodeDelegate::GetBoundsRect(
73  coordinate_system, clipping_behavior, offscreen_result);
74  gfx::RectF local_bounds_f(local_bounds);
75  gfx::RectF screen_bounds = ConvertBoundsFromLocalToScreen(local_bounds_f);
76  return gfx::ToEnclosingRect(ConvertBoundsFromScreenToGlobal(screen_bounds));
77 }
79 gfx::NativeViewAccessible FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateMac::GetNSWindow() {
80  FlutterAppDelegate* appDelegate = (FlutterAppDelegate*)[NSApp delegate];
81  return appDelegate.mainFlutterWindow;
82 }
85  if (GetAXNode()->IsIgnored()) {
86  return "";
87  }
89  std::string text = GetData().GetStringAttribute(ax::mojom::StringAttribute::kName);
90  if (!text.empty()) {
91  return text;
92  };
93  auto bridge_ptr = bridge_.lock();
94  NSCAssert(bridge_ptr, @"Accessibility bridge in flutter engine must not be null.");
95  for (int32_t child : GetData().child_ids) {
96  auto delegate_child = bridge_ptr->GetFlutterPlatformNodeDelegateFromID(child).lock();
97  if (!delegate_child) {
98  continue;
99  }
100  text += std::static_pointer_cast<FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateMac>(delegate_child)
101  ->GetLiveRegionText();
102  }
103  return text;
104 }
106 gfx::RectF FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateMac::ConvertBoundsFromLocalToScreen(
107  const gfx::RectF& local_bounds) const {
108  // Converts to NSRect to use NSView rect conversion.
109  NSRect ns_local_bounds =
110  NSMakeRect(local_bounds.x(), local_bounds.y(), local_bounds.width(), local_bounds.height());
111  // The macOS XY coordinates start at bottom-left and increase toward top-right,
112  // which is different from the Flutter's XY coordinates that start at top-left
113  // increasing to bottom-right. Therefore, this method needs to flip the y coordinate when
114  // it converts the bounds from flutter coordinates to macOS coordinates.
115  ns_local_bounds.origin.y = -ns_local_bounds.origin.y - ns_local_bounds.size.height;
117  NSCAssert(view_controller_.viewLoaded, @"Flutter view must be loaded.");
118  NSRect ns_view_bounds = [view_controller_.flutterView convertRectFromBacking:ns_local_bounds];
119  NSRect ns_window_bounds = [view_controller_.flutterView convertRect:ns_view_bounds toView:nil];
120  NSRect ns_screen_bounds =
121  [[view_controller_.flutterView window] convertRectToScreen:ns_window_bounds];
122  gfx::RectF screen_bounds(ns_screen_bounds.origin.x, ns_screen_bounds.origin.y,
123  ns_screen_bounds.size.width, ns_screen_bounds.size.height);
124  return screen_bounds;
125 }
127 gfx::RectF FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateMac::ConvertBoundsFromScreenToGlobal(
128  const gfx::RectF& screen_bounds) const {
129  // The VoiceOver seems to only accept bounds that are relative to primary screen.
130  // Thus, this method uses [[NSScreen screens] firstObject] instead of [NSScreen mainScreen].
131  NSScreen* screen = [[NSScreen screens] firstObject];
132  NSRect primary_screen_bounds = [screen frame];
133  // The screen is flipped against y axis.
134  float flipped_y = primary_screen_bounds.size.height - screen_bounds.y() - screen_bounds.height();
135  return {screen_bounds.x(), flipped_y, screen_bounds.width(), screen_bounds.height()};
136 }
138 } // namespace flutter
gfx::NativeViewAccessible GetParent() override
gfx::Rect GetBoundsRect(const ui::AXCoordinateSystem coordinate_system, const ui::AXClippingBehavior clipping_behavior, ui::AXOffscreenResult *offscreen_result) const override
virtual void Init(std::weak_ptr< OwnerBridge > bridge, ui::AXNode *node)
Called only once, immediately after construction. The constructor doesn't take any arguments because ...
ui::AXNode * GetAXNode() const
Gets the underlying ax node for this platform node delegate.
const ui::AXNodeData & GetData() const override
gfx::NativeViewAccessible GetNativeViewAccessible() override
void NodeDataChanged(const ui::AXNodeData &old_node_data, const ui::AXNodeData &new_node_data) override
gfx::NativeViewAccessible GetParent() override
gfx::NativeViewAccessible GetNSWindow() override
FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateMac(std::weak_ptr< AccessibilityBridge > bridge, __weak FlutterViewController *view_controller)
gfx::Rect GetBoundsRect(const ui::AXCoordinateSystem coordinate_system, const ui::AXClippingBehavior clipping_behavior, ui::AXOffscreenResult *offscreen_result) const override
void Init(std::weak_ptr< OwnerBridge > bridge, ui::AXNode *node) override
Called only once, immediately after construction. The constructor doesn't take any arguments because ...
std::string GetLiveRegionText() const
Gets the live region text of this node in UTF-8 format. This is useful to determine the changes in be...
The ax platform node for a text field.
IBOutlet NSWindow * mainFlutterWindow