basicLocaleListResolution function
The default locale resolution algorithm.
Custom resolution algorithms can be provided through WidgetsApp.localeListResolutionCallback or WidgetsApp.localeResolutionCallback.
When no custom locale resolution algorithms are provided or if both fail to resolve, Flutter will default to calling this algorithm.
This algorithm prioritizes speed at the cost of slightly less appropriate resolutions for edge cases.
This algorithm will resolve to the earliest preferred locale that matches the most fields, prioritizing in the order of perfect match, languageCode+countryCode, languageCode+scriptCode, languageCode-only.
In the case where a locale is matched by languageCode-only and is not the default (first) locale, the next preferred locale with a perfect match can supersede the languageCode-only match if it exists.
When a preferredLocale matches more than one supported locale, it will resolve to the first matching locale listed in the supportedLocales.
When all preferred locales have been exhausted without a match, the first countryCode only match will be returned.
When no match at all is found, the first (default) locale in
will be returned.
To summarize, the main matching priority is:
- Locale.languageCode, Locale.scriptCode, and Locale.countryCode
- Locale.languageCode and Locale.scriptCode only
- Locale.languageCode and Locale.countryCode only
- Locale.languageCode only (with caveats, see above)
- Locale.countryCode only when all
fail to match - Returns the first element of
as a fallback
This algorithm does not take language distance (how similar languages are to each other)
into account, and will not handle edge cases such as resolving de
to fr
rather than zh
when de
is not supported and zh
is listed before fr
(German is closer to French
than Chinese).
Locale basicLocaleListResolution(
List<Locale>? preferredLocales,
Iterable<Locale> supportedLocales,
) {
// preferredLocales can be null when called before the platform has had a chance to
// initialize the locales. Platforms without locale passing support will provide an empty list.
// We default to the first supported locale in these cases.
if (preferredLocales == null || preferredLocales.isEmpty) {
return supportedLocales.first;
// Hash the supported locales because apps can support many locales and would
// be expensive to search through them many times.
final Map<String, Locale> allSupportedLocales = HashMap<String, Locale>();
final Map<String, Locale> languageAndCountryLocales = HashMap<String, Locale>();
final Map<String, Locale> languageAndScriptLocales = HashMap<String, Locale>();
final Map<String, Locale> languageLocales = HashMap<String, Locale>();
final Map<String?, Locale> countryLocales = HashMap<String?, Locale>();
for (final Locale locale in supportedLocales) {
allSupportedLocales['${locale.languageCode}_${locale.scriptCode}_${locale.countryCode}'] ??=
languageAndScriptLocales['${locale.languageCode}_${locale.scriptCode}'] ??= locale;
languageAndCountryLocales['${locale.languageCode}_${locale.countryCode}'] ??= locale;
languageLocales[locale.languageCode] ??= locale;
countryLocales[locale.countryCode] ??= locale;
// Since languageCode-only matches are possibly low quality, we don't return
// it instantly when we find such a match. We check to see if the next
// preferred locale in the list has a high accuracy match, and only return
// the languageCode-only match when a higher accuracy match in the next
// preferred locale cannot be found.
Locale? matchesLanguageCode;
Locale? matchesCountryCode;
// Loop over user's preferred locales
for (int localeIndex = 0; localeIndex < preferredLocales.length; localeIndex += 1) {
final Locale userLocale = preferredLocales[localeIndex];
// Look for perfect match.
if (allSupportedLocales.containsKey(
)) {
return userLocale;
// Look for language+script match.
if (userLocale.scriptCode != null) {
final Locale? match =
if (match != null) {
return match;
// Look for language+country match.
if (userLocale.countryCode != null) {
final Locale? match =
if (match != null) {
return match;
// If there was a languageCode-only match in the previous iteration's higher
// ranked preferred locale, we return it if the current userLocale does not
// have a better match.
if (matchesLanguageCode != null) {
return matchesLanguageCode;
// Look and store language-only match.
Locale? match = languageLocales[userLocale.languageCode];
if (match != null) {
matchesLanguageCode = match;
// Since first (default) locale is usually highly preferred, we will allow
// a languageCode-only match to be instantly matched. If the next preferred
// languageCode is the same, we defer hastily returning until the next iteration
// since at worst it is the same and at best an improved match.
if (localeIndex == 0 &&
!(localeIndex + 1 < preferredLocales.length &&
preferredLocales[localeIndex + 1].languageCode == userLocale.languageCode)) {
return matchesLanguageCode;
// countryCode-only match. When all else except default supported locale fails,
// attempt to match by country only, as a user is likely to be familiar with a
// language from their listed country.
if (matchesCountryCode == null && userLocale.countryCode != null) {
match = countryLocales[userLocale.countryCode];
if (match != null) {
matchesCountryCode = match;
// When there is no languageCode-only match. Fallback to matching countryCode only. Country
// fallback only applies on iOS. When there is no countryCode-only match, we return first
// supported locale.
final Locale resolvedLocale = matchesLanguageCode ?? matchesCountryCode ?? supportedLocales.first;
return resolvedLocale;