toChannelRepresentation method

  1. @override
Iterable<Map<String, Object?>> toChannelRepresentation(
  1. PlatformMenuDelegate delegate,
  2. {required MenuItemSerializableIdGenerator getId}

Converts the representation of this item into a map suitable for sending over the default "flutter/menu" channel used by DefaultPlatformMenuDelegate.

The delegate is the PlatformMenuDelegate that is requesting the serialization.

The getId parameter is a MenuItemSerializableIdGenerator function that generates a unique ID for each menu item, which is to be returned in the "id" field of the menu item data.


Iterable<Map<String, Object?>> toChannelRepresentation(
  PlatformMenuDelegate delegate, {
  required MenuItemSerializableIdGenerator getId,
}) {
  assert(() {
    if (!hasMenu(type)) {
      throw ArgumentError(
        'Platform ${} has no platform provided menu for '
        '$type. Call PlatformProvidedMenuItem.hasMenu to determine this before '
        'instantiating one.',
    return true;

  return <Map<String, Object?>>[
    <String, Object?>{
      _kIdKey: getId(this),
      _kEnabledKey: enabled,
      _kPlatformDefaultMenuKey: type.index,