ignoringSemantics property

  1. @Deprecated('Use ExcludeSemantics or create a custom ignore pointer widget instead. ' 'This feature was deprecated after v3.8.0-12.0.pre.')
bool? ignoringSemantics

Whether the semantics of this widget is ignored when compiling the semantics subtree.

The usages of ignoringSemantics are deprecated and not recommended. This property was introduced to workaround the semantics behavior of the IgnorePointer and its friends before v3.8.0-12.0.pre.

Before that version, entire semantics subtree is dropped if ignoring is true. Developers can only use ignoringSemantics to preserver the semantics subtrees.

After that version, with ignoring set to true, it only prevents semantics user actions in the semantics subtree but leaves the other SemanticsProperties intact. Therefore, the ignoringSemantics is no longer needed.

If ignoringSemantics is true, the semantics subtree is dropped. Therefore, the subtree will be invisible to assistive technologies.

If ignoringSemantics is false, the semantics subtree is collected as usual.

See SemanticsNode for additional information about the semantics tree.


  'Use ExcludeSemantics or create a custom ignore pointer widget instead. '
  'This feature was deprecated after v3.8.0-12.0.pre.',
final bool? ignoringSemantics;