showSpellCheckSuggestionsToolbar method
Shows toolbar with spell check suggestions of misspelled words that are available for click-and-replace.
bool showSpellCheckSuggestionsToolbar() {
// Spell check suggestions toolbars are intended to be shown on non-web
// platforms. Additionally, the Cupertino style toolbar can't be drawn on
// the web with the HTML renderer due to
if (!spellCheckEnabled ||
_webContextMenuEnabled ||
widget.readOnly ||
_selectionOverlay == null ||
!_spellCheckResultsReceived ||
findSuggestionSpanAtCursorIndex(textEditingValue.selection.extentOffset) == null) {
// Only attempt to show the spell check suggestions toolbar if there
// is a toolbar specified and spell check suggestions available to show.
return false;
_spellCheckConfiguration.spellCheckSuggestionsToolbarBuilder != null,
'spellCheckSuggestionsToolbarBuilder must be defined in '
'SpellCheckConfiguration to show a toolbar with spell check '
_selectionOverlay!.showSpellCheckSuggestionsToolbar((BuildContext context) {
return _spellCheckConfiguration.spellCheckSuggestionsToolbarBuilder!(context, this);
return true;