createIdZone method

Future<IdZone> createIdZone(
  1. String isolateId,
  2. String backingBufferKind,
  3. String idAssignmentPolicy, {
  4. int? capacity,

The createIdZone RPC is used to create a new ID zone where temporary IDs for instances in the specified isolate may be allocated. See IDs and Names for more information about ID zones.

backingBufferKind meaning
ring Use a ring buffer to back the zone.
idAssignmentPolicy meaning
alwaysAllocate When this ID zone is specified in an RPC invocation,
InstancesRef and Instances within the response to that RPC will always
have their id fields populated with newly allocated temporary IDs, even
when there already exists an ID that refers to the same instance.
reuseExisting When this ID zone is specified in an RPC invocation,
InstancesRef and Instances within the response to that RPC will have
their id fields populated with existing IDs when possible. This
introduces an extra linear search of the zone – to check for existing IDs
– for each InstanceRef or Instance returned in a response.

The capacity parameter may be used to specify the maximum number of IDs that the created zone will be able to hold at a time. If no argument for capacity is provided, the created zone will have the default capacity of 512 IDs.

When a VM Service client disconnects, all of the Service ID zones created by that client will be deleted. Because of this, Service ID zone IDs should not be shared between different clients.


Future<IdZone> createIdZone(
  String isolateId,
  /*IdZoneBackingBufferKind*/ String backingBufferKind,
  /*IdAssignmentPolicy*/ String idAssignmentPolicy, {
  int? capacity,
}) =>
    _call('createIdZone', {
      'isolateId': isolateId,
      'backingBufferKind': backingBufferKind,
      'idAssignmentPolicy': idAssignmentPolicy,
      if (capacity != null) 'capacity': capacity,