fetchSpellCheckSuggestions method

  1. @override
Future<List<SuggestionSpan>?> fetchSpellCheckSuggestions(
  1. Locale locale,
  2. String text

Facilitates a spell check request.

Returns a Future that resolves with a List of SuggestionSpans for all misspelled words in the given String for the given Locale.

A return value that resolves to null indicates that fetching the spell check suggestions was unsuccessful. If fetching the suggestions succeeded but none were found, the Future should resolve to an empty list.


Future<List<SuggestionSpan>?> fetchSpellCheckSuggestions(
    Locale locale, String text) async {

  final List<dynamic> rawResults;
  final String languageTag = locale.toLanguageTag();

  try {
    rawResults = await spellCheckChannel.invokeMethod(
      <String>[languageTag, text],
    ) as List<dynamic>;
  } catch (e) {
    // Spell check request canceled due to pending request.
    return null;

  List<SuggestionSpan> suggestionSpans = <SuggestionSpan>[
    for (final Map<dynamic, dynamic> resultMap in rawResults.cast<Map<dynamic, dynamic>>())
        TextRange(start: resultMap['startIndex'] as int, end: resultMap['endIndex'] as int),
        (resultMap['suggestions'] as List<Object?>).cast<String>(),

  if (lastSavedResults != null) {
    // Merge current and previous spell check results if between requests,
    // the text has not changed but the spell check results have.
    final bool textHasNotChanged = lastSavedResults!.spellCheckedText == text;
    final bool spansHaveChanged =
        listEquals(lastSavedResults!.suggestionSpans, suggestionSpans);

    if (textHasNotChanged && spansHaveChanged) {
      suggestionSpans = mergeResults(lastSavedResults!.suggestionSpans, suggestionSpans);
  lastSavedResults = SpellCheckResults(text, suggestionSpans);

  return suggestionSpans;