RenderBox class abstract
A render object in a 2D Cartesian coordinate system.
The size of each box is expressed as a width and a height. Each box has its own coordinate system in which its upper left corner is placed at (0, 0). The lower right corner of the box is therefore at (width, height). The box contains all the points including the upper left corner and extending to, but not including, the lower right corner.
Box layout is performed by passing a BoxConstraints object down the tree. The box constraints establish a min and max value for the child's width and height. In determining its size, the child must respect the constraints given to it by its parent.
This protocol is sufficient for expressing a number of common box layout data flows. For example, to implement a width-in-height-out data flow, call your child's layout function with a set of box constraints with a tight width value (and pass true for parentUsesSize). After the child determines its height, use the child's height to determine your size.
Writing a RenderBox subclass
One would implement a new RenderBox subclass to describe a new layout model, new paint model, new hit-testing model, or new semantics model, while remaining in the Cartesian space defined by the RenderBox protocol.
To create a new protocol, consider subclassing RenderObject instead.
Constructors and properties of a new RenderBox subclass
The constructor will typically take a named argument for each property of the class. The value is then passed to a private field of the class and the constructor asserts its correctness (e.g. if it should not be null, it asserts it's not null).
Properties have the form of a getter/setter/field group like the following:
AxisDirection get axis => _axis;
AxisDirection _axis = AxisDirection.down; // or initialized in constructor
set axis(AxisDirection value) {
if (value == _axis) {
_axis = value;
The setter will typically finish with either a call to markNeedsLayout, if the layout uses this property, or markNeedsPaint, if only the painter function does. (No need to call both, markNeedsLayout implies markNeedsPaint.)
Consider layout and paint to be expensive; be conservative about calling markNeedsLayout or markNeedsPaint. They should only be called if the layout (or paint, respectively) has actually changed.
If a render object is a leaf, that is, it cannot have any children, then ignore this section. (Examples of leaf render objects are RenderImage and RenderParagraph.)
For render objects with children, there are four possible scenarios:
A single RenderBox child. In this scenario, consider inheriting from RenderProxyBox (if the render object sizes itself to match the child) or RenderShiftedBox (if the child will be smaller than the box and the box will align the child inside itself).
A single child, but it isn't a RenderBox. Use the RenderObjectWithChildMixin mixin.
A single list of children. Use the ContainerRenderObjectMixin mixin.
A more complicated child model.
Using RenderProxyBox
By default, a RenderProxyBox render object sizes itself to fit its child, or to be as small as possible if there is no child; it passes all hit testing and painting on to the child, and intrinsic dimensions and baseline measurements similarly are proxied to the child.
A subclass of RenderProxyBox just needs to override the parts of the RenderBox protocol that matter. For example, RenderOpacity just overrides the paint method (and alwaysNeedsCompositing to reflect what the paint method does, and the visitChildrenForSemantics method so that the child is hidden from accessibility tools when it's invisible), and adds an RenderOpacity.opacity field.
RenderProxyBox assumes that the child is the size of the parent and positioned at 0,0. If this is not true, then use RenderShiftedBox instead.
See proxy_box.dart for examples of inheriting from RenderProxyBox.
Using RenderShiftedBox
By default, a RenderShiftedBox acts much like a RenderProxyBox but without assuming that the child is positioned at 0,0 (the actual position recorded in the child's parentData field is used), and without providing a default layout algorithm.
See shifted_box.dart for examples of inheriting from RenderShiftedBox.
Kinds of children and child-specific data
A RenderBox doesn't have to have RenderBox children. One can use another subclass of RenderObject for a RenderBox's children. See the discussion at RenderObject.
Children can have additional data owned by the parent but stored on the child using the parentData field. The class used for that data must inherit from ParentData. The setupParentData method is used to initialize the parentData field of a child when the child is attached.
By convention, RenderBox objects that have RenderBox children use the BoxParentData class, which has a BoxParentData.offset field to store the position of the child relative to the parent. (RenderProxyBox does not need this offset and therefore is an exception to this rule.)
Using RenderObjectWithChildMixin
If a render object has a single child but it isn't a RenderBox, then the RenderObjectWithChildMixin class, which is a mixin that will handle the boilerplate of managing a child, will be useful.
It's a generic class with one type argument, the type of the child. For
example, if you are building a RenderFoo
class which takes a single
child, you would use the mixin as follows:
class RenderFoo extends RenderBox
with RenderObjectWithChildMixin<RenderBar> {
// ...
Since the RenderFoo
class itself is still a RenderBox in this case, you
still have to implement the RenderBox layout algorithm, as well as
features like intrinsics and baselines, painting, and hit testing.
Using ContainerRenderObjectMixin
If a render box can have multiple children, then the ContainerRenderObjectMixin mixin can be used to handle the boilerplate. It uses a linked list to model the children in a manner that is easy to mutate dynamically and that can be walked efficiently. Random access is not efficient in this model; if you need random access to the children consider the next section on more complicated child models.
The ContainerRenderObjectMixin class has two type arguments. The first is
the type of the child objects. The second is the type for their
parentData. The class used for parentData must itself have the
ContainerParentDataMixin class mixed into it; this is where
ContainerRenderObjectMixin stores the linked list. A ParentData class
can extend ContainerBoxParentData; this is essentially
BoxParentData mixed with ContainerParentDataMixin. For example, if a
class wanted to have a linked list of RenderBox children, one
might create a FooParentData
class as follows:
class FooParentData extends ContainerBoxParentData<RenderBox> {
// (any fields you might need for these children)
When using ContainerRenderObjectMixin in a RenderBox, consider mixing in RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin, which provides a collection of utility methods that implement common parts of the RenderBox protocol (such as painting the children).
The declaration of the RenderFoo
class itself would thus look like this:
// continuing from previous example...
class RenderFoo extends RenderBox with
ContainerRenderObjectMixin<RenderBox, FooParentData>,
RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin<RenderBox, FooParentData> {
// ...
When walking the children (e.g. during layout), the following pattern is
commonly used (in this case assuming that the children are all RenderBox
objects and that this render object uses FooParentData
objects for its
children's parentData fields):
// continuing from previous example...
RenderBox? child = firstChild;
while (child != null) {
final FooParentData childParentData = child.parentData! as FooParentData;
// ...operate on child and childParentData...
assert(child.parentData == childParentData);
child = childParentData.nextSibling;
More complicated child models
Render objects can have more complicated models, for example a map of children keyed on an enum, or a 2D grid of efficiently randomly-accessible children, or multiple lists of children, etc. If a render object has a model that can't be handled by the mixins above, it must implement the RenderObject child protocol, as follows:
Any time a child is removed, call dropChild with the child.
Any time a child is added, call adoptChild with the child.
Implement the attach method such that it calls attach on each child.
Implement the detach method such that it calls detach on each child.
Implement the redepthChildren method such that it calls redepthChild on each child.
Implement the visitChildren method such that it calls its argument for each child, typically in paint order (back-most to front-most).
Implement debugDescribeChildren such that it outputs a DiagnosticsNode for each child.
Implementing these seven bullet points is essentially all that the two aforementioned mixins do.
RenderBox classes implement a layout algorithm. They have a set of constraints provided to them, and they size themselves based on those constraints and whatever other inputs they may have (for example, their children or properties).
When implementing a RenderBox subclass, one must make a choice. Does it size itself exclusively based on the constraints, or does it use any other information in sizing itself? An example of sizing purely based on the constraints would be growing to fit the parent.
Sizing purely based on the constraints allows the system to make some significant optimizations. Classes that use this approach should override sizedByParent to return true, and then override computeDryLayout to compute the Size using nothing but the constraints, e.g.:
bool get sizedByParent => true;
Size computeDryLayout(BoxConstraints constraints) {
return constraints.smallest;
Otherwise, the size is set in the performLayout function.
The performLayout function is where render boxes decide, if they are not sizedByParent, what size they should be, and also where they decide where their children should be.
Layout of RenderBox children
The performLayout function should call the layout function of each (box) child, passing it a BoxConstraints object describing the constraints within which the child can render. Passing tight constraints (see BoxConstraints.isTight) to the child will allow the rendering library to apply some optimizations, as it knows that if the constraints are tight, the child's dimensions cannot change even if the layout of the child itself changes.
If the performLayout function will use the child's size to affect other
aspects of the layout, for example if the render box sizes itself around the
child, or positions several children based on the size of those children,
then it must specify the parentUsesSize
argument to the child's layout
function, setting it to true.
This flag turns off some optimizations; algorithms that do not rely on the children's sizes will be more efficient. (In particular, relying on the child's size means that if the child is marked dirty for layout, the parent will probably also be marked dirty for layout, unless the constraints given by the parent to the child were tight constraints.)
For RenderBox classes that do not inherit from RenderProxyBox, once they have laid out their children, they should also position them, by setting the BoxParentData.offset field of each child's parentData object.
Layout of non-RenderBox children
The children of a RenderBox do not have to be RenderBoxes themselves. If
they use another protocol (as discussed at RenderObject), then instead of
BoxConstraints, the parent would pass in the appropriate Constraints
subclass, and instead of reading the child's size, the parent would read
whatever the output of layout is for that layout protocol. The
flag is still used to indicate whether the parent is going
to read that output, and optimizations still kick in if the child has tight
constraints (as defined by Constraints.isTight).
To describe how a render box paints, implement the paint method. It is given a PaintingContext object and an Offset. The painting context provides methods to affect the layer tree as well as a PaintingContext.canvas which can be used to add drawing commands. The canvas object should not be cached across calls to the PaintingContext's methods; every time a method on PaintingContext is called, there is a chance that the canvas will change identity. The offset specifies the position of the top left corner of the box in the coordinate system of the PaintingContext.canvas.
To draw text on a canvas, use a TextPainter.
To draw an image to a canvas, use the paintImage method.
A RenderBox that uses methods on PaintingContext that introduce new layers should override the alwaysNeedsCompositing getter and set it to true. If the object sometimes does and sometimes does not, it can have that getter return true in some cases and false in others. In that case, whenever the return value would change, call markNeedsCompositingBitsUpdate. (This is done automatically when a child is added or removed, so you don't have to call it explicitly if the alwaysNeedsCompositing getter only changes value based on the presence or absence of children.)
Anytime anything changes on the object that would cause the paint method to paint something different (but would not cause the layout to change), the object should call markNeedsPaint.
Painting children
The paint method's context
argument has a PaintingContext.paintChild
method, which should be called for each child that is to be painted. It
should be given a reference to the child, and an Offset giving the
position of the child relative to the parent.
If the paint method applies a transform to the painting context before painting children (or generally applies an additional offset beyond the offset it was itself given as an argument), then the applyPaintTransform method should also be overridden. That method must adjust the matrix that it is given in the same manner as it transformed the painting context and offset before painting the given child. This is used by the globalToLocal and localToGlobal methods.
Hit Tests
Hit testing for render boxes is implemented by the hitTest method. The default implementation of this method defers to hitTestSelf and hitTestChildren. When implementing hit testing, you can either override these latter two methods, or ignore them and just override hitTest.
The hitTest method itself is given an Offset, and must return true if the object or one of its children has absorbed the hit (preventing objects below this one from being hit), or false if the hit can continue to other objects below this one.
For each child RenderBox, the hitTest method on the child should be called with the same HitTestResult argument and with the point transformed into the child's coordinate space (in the same manner that the applyPaintTransform method would). The default implementation defers to hitTestChildren to call the children. RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin provides a RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin.defaultHitTestChildren method that does this assuming that the children are axis-aligned, not transformed, and positioned according to the BoxParentData.offset field of the parentData; more elaborate boxes can override hitTestChildren accordingly.
If the object is hit, then it should also add itself to the HitTestResult object that is given as an argument to the hitTest method, using HitTestResult.add. The default implementation defers to hitTestSelf to determine if the box is hit. If the object adds itself before the children can add themselves, then it will be as if the object was above the children. If it adds itself after the children, then it will be as if it was below the children. Entries added to the HitTestResult object should use the BoxHitTestEntry class. The entries are subsequently walked by the system in the order they were added, and for each entry, the target's handleEvent method is called, passing in the HitTestEntry object.
Hit testing cannot rely on painting having happened.
For a render box to be accessible, implement the describeApproximatePaintClip, visitChildrenForSemantics, and describeSemanticsConfiguration methods. The default implementations are sufficient for objects that only affect layout, but nodes that represent interactive components or information (diagrams, text, images, etc) should provide more complete implementations. For more information, see the documentation for these members.
Intrinsics and Baselines
The layout, painting, hit testing, and semantics protocols are common to all render objects. RenderBox objects must implement two additional protocols: intrinsic sizing and baseline measurements.
There are four methods to implement for intrinsic sizing, to compute the minimum and maximum intrinsic width and height of the box. The documentation for these methods discusses the protocol in detail: computeMinIntrinsicWidth, computeMaxIntrinsicWidth, computeMinIntrinsicHeight, computeMaxIntrinsicHeight.
Be sure to set debugCheckIntrinsicSizes to true in your unit tests if you do override any of these methods, which will add additional checks to help validate your implementation.
In addition, if the box has any children, it must implement computeDistanceToActualBaseline. RenderProxyBox provides a simple implementation that forwards to the child; RenderShiftedBox provides an implementation that offsets the child's baseline information by the position of the child relative to the parent. If you do not inherited from either of these classes, however, you must implement the algorithm yourself.
- Inheritance
- Object
- RenderObject
- RenderBox
- Implementers
- PlatformViewRenderBox
- RenderCustomMultiChildLayoutBox
- RenderDarwinPlatformView
- RenderEditable
- RenderErrorBox
- RenderFlex
- RenderFlow
- RenderImage
- RenderInlineChildrenContainerDefaults
- RenderListBody
- RenderListWheelViewport
- RenderParagraph
- RenderPerformanceOverlay
- RenderProxyBox
- RenderProxyBoxMixin
- RenderRotatedBox
- RenderShiftedBox
- RenderStack
- RenderTable
- RenderTwoDimensionalViewport
- RenderViewportBase
- RenderWrap
- TextureBox
- alwaysNeedsCompositing → bool
Whether this render object always needs compositing.
no setterinherited
- attached → bool
Whether the render tree this render object belongs to is attached to a PipelineOwner.
no setterinherited
- constraints → BoxConstraints
The box constraints most recently received from the parent.
no setteroverride
- debugCanParentUseSize → bool
Whether the parent render object is permitted to use this render object's
no setterinherited
- debugCreator ↔ Object?
The object responsible for creating this render object.
getter/setter pairinherited
- debugDisposed → bool?
Whether this has been disposed.
no setterinherited
- debugDoingThisLayout → bool
Whether performLayout for this render object is currently running.
no setterinherited
- debugDoingThisLayoutWithCallback → bool
Whether invokeLayoutCallback for this render object is currently running.
no setterinherited
- debugDoingThisPaint → bool
Whether paint for this render object is currently running.
no setterinherited
- debugDoingThisResize → bool
Whether performResize for this render object is currently running.
no setterinherited
- debugLayer → ContainerLayer?
In debug mode, the compositing layer that this render object uses to repaint.
no setterinherited
- debugLayoutParent → RenderObject?
The RenderObject that's expected to call layout on this RenderObject
in its performLayout implementation.
no setterinherited
- debugNeedsCompositedLayerUpdate → bool
Whether this render object's layer information is dirty.
no setterinherited
- debugNeedsLayout → bool
Whether this render object's layout information is dirty.
no setterinherited
- debugNeedsPaint → bool
Whether this render object's paint information is dirty.
no setterinherited
- debugNeedsSemanticsUpdate → bool
Whether the semantics of this render object is dirty and await the update.
no setterinherited
- debugSemantics → SemanticsNode?
The semantics of this render object.
no setterinherited
- depth → int
The depth of this render object in the render tree.
no setterinherited
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- hasSize → bool
Whether this render object has undergone layout and has a size.
no setter
- isRepaintBoundary → bool
Whether this render object repaints separately from its parent.
no setterinherited
- layer ↔ ContainerLayer?
The compositing layer that this render object uses to repaint.
getter/setter pairinherited
- needsCompositing → bool
Whether we or one of our descendants has a compositing layer.
no setterinherited
- owner → PipelineOwner?
The owner for this render object (null if unattached).
no setterinherited
- paintBounds → Rect
Returns a rectangle that contains all the pixels painted by this box.
no setteroverride
- parent → RenderObject?
The parent of this render object in the render tree.
no setterinherited
- parentData ↔ ParentData?
Data for use by the parent render object.
getter/setter pairinherited
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
- semanticBounds → Rect
The bounding box, in the local coordinate system, of this
object, for accessibility purposes.
no setteroverride
- semanticsParent → RenderObject?
The semantics parent of this render object in the semantics tree.
no setterinherited
- size ↔ Size
The size of this render box computed during layout.
getter/setter pair
- sizedByParent → bool
Whether the constraints are the only input to the sizing algorithm (in
particular, child nodes have no impact).
no setterinherited
RenderObject child) → void -
Called by subclasses when they decide a render object is a child.
covariant RenderObject child, Matrix4 transform) → void -
Multiply the transform from the parent's coordinate system to this box's
coordinate system into the given transform.
SemanticsNode node, SemanticsConfiguration config, Iterable< SemanticsNode> children) → void -
Assemble the SemanticsNode for this RenderObject.
PipelineOwner owner) → void -
Mark this render object as attached to the given owner.
) → void -
Removes all semantics from this render object and its descendants.
TextBaseline baseline) → double? - Returns the distance from the y-coordinate of the position of the box to the y-coordinate of the first given baseline in the box's contents, if any, or null otherwise.
covariant BoxConstraints constraints, TextBaseline baseline) → double? - Computes the value returned by getDryBaseline.
covariant BoxConstraints constraints) → Size - Computes the value returned by getDryLayout. Do not call this function directly, instead, call getDryLayout.
double width) → double - Computes the value returned by getMaxIntrinsicHeight. Do not call this function directly, instead, call getMaxIntrinsicHeight.
double height) → double - Computes the value returned by getMaxIntrinsicWidth. Do not call this function directly, instead, call getMaxIntrinsicWidth.
double width) → double - Computes the value returned by getMinIntrinsicHeight. Do not call this function directly, instead, call getMinIntrinsicHeight.
double height) → double - Computes the value returned by getMinIntrinsicWidth. Do not call this function directly, instead, call getMinIntrinsicWidth.
Size value) → Size - Claims ownership of the given Size.
) → void -
Verify that the object's constraints are being met. Override this function
in a subclass to verify that your state matches the constraints object.
This function is only called when asserts are enabled (i.e. in debug mode)
and only when needsLayout is false. If the constraints are not met, it
should assert or throw an exception.
{String? reason, FlutterError? error}) → bool - Called from computeDryLayout or computeDryBaseline within an assert if the given RenderBox subclass does not support calculating a dry layout.
) → List< DiagnosticsNode> -
Returns a list of DiagnosticsNode objects describing this node's
DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) → void -
Add additional properties associated with the node.
PointerEvent event, HitTestEntry< HitTestTarget> entry) → bool - Implements the debugPaintPointersEnabled debugging feature.
PaintingContext context, Offset offset) → void -
Override this method to paint debugging information.
PaintingContext context, Offset offset) → void - In debug mode, paints a line for each baseline.
PaintingContext context, Offset offset) → void - In debug mode, paints a rectangle if this render box has counted more pointer downs than pointer up events.
PaintingContext context, Offset offset) → void - In debug mode, paints a border around this render box.
{bool includedParent = true, bool includedChild = false}) → void -
Called, in debug mode, if isRepaintBoundary is true, when either the
this render object or its parent attempt to paint.
) → void -
If a subclass has a "size" (the state controlled by
, whatever it is in the subclass, e.g. the actualsize
property of RenderBox), and the subclass verifies that in debug mode this "size" property isn't used when debugCanParentUseSize isn't set, then that subclass should override debugResetSize to reapply the current values of debugCanParentUseSize to that state.override -
covariant RenderObject child) → Rect? -
Returns a rect in this object's coordinate system that describes
the approximate bounding box of the clip rect that would be
applied to the given child during the paint phase, if any.
String name, {DiagnosticsTreeStyle style = DiagnosticsTreeStyle.shallow}) → DiagnosticsNode -
Adds a debug representation of a RenderObject optimized for including in
error messages.
covariant RenderObject? child) → Rect? -
Returns a rect in this object's coordinate system that describes
which SemanticsNodes produced by the
should be included in the semantics tree. SemanticsNodes from thechild
that are positioned outside of this rect will be dropped. Child SemanticsNodes that are positioned inside this rect, but outside of describeApproximatePaintClip will be included in the tree marked as hidden. Child SemanticsNodes that are inside of both rect will be included in the tree as regular nodes.inherited -
SemanticsConfiguration config) → void -
Report the semantics of this node, for example for accessibility purposes.
) → void -
Mark this render object as detached from its PipelineOwner.
) → void -
Release any resources held by this render object.
RenderObject child) → void -
Called by subclasses when they decide a render object is no longer a child.
TextBaseline baseline) → double? - Calls computeDistanceToActualBaseline and caches the result.
TextBaseline baseline, {bool onlyReal = false}) → double? - Returns the distance from the y-coordinate of the position of the box to the y-coordinate of the first given baseline in the box's contents.
covariant BoxConstraints constraints, TextBaseline baseline) → double? -
Returns the distance from the top of the box to the first baseline of the
box's contents for the given
, ornull
if this RenderBox does not have any baselines. -
covariant BoxConstraints constraints) → Size - Returns the Size that this RenderBox would like to be given the provided BoxConstraints.
double width) → double - Returns the smallest height beyond which increasing the height never decreases the preferred width. The preferred width is the value that would be returned by getMinIntrinsicWidth for that height.
double height) → double - Returns the smallest width beyond which increasing the width never decreases the preferred height. The preferred height is the value that would be returned by getMinIntrinsicHeight for that width.
double width) → double - Returns the minimum height that this box could be without failing to correctly paint its contents within itself, without clipping.
double height) → double - Returns the minimum width that this box could be without failing to correctly paint its contents within itself, without clipping.
RenderObject? target) → Matrix4 -
Applies the paint transform from this RenderObject to the
RenderObject.inherited -
Offset point, {RenderObject? ancestor}) → Offset - Convert the given point from the global coordinate system in logical pixels to the local coordinate system for this box.
PointerEvent event, covariant BoxHitTestEntry entry) → void -
Override this method to handle pointer events that hit this render object.
BoxHitTestResult result, {required Offset position}) → bool - Determines the set of render objects located at the given position.
BoxHitTestResult result, {required Offset position}) → bool - Override this method to check whether any children are located at the given position.
Offset position) → bool - Override this method if this render object can be hit even if its children were not hit.
T extends Constraints> (LayoutCallback< T> callback) → void -
Allows mutations to be made to this object's child list (and any
descendants) as well as to any other dirty nodes in the render tree owned
by the same PipelineOwner as this object. The
argument is invoked synchronously, and the mutations are allowed only during that callback's execution.inherited -
Constraints constraints, {bool parentUsesSize = false}) → void -
Compute the layout for this render object.
Offset point, {RenderObject? ancestor}) → Offset - Convert the given point from the local coordinate system for this box to the global coordinate system in logical pixels.
) → void -
Mark this render object as having changed a property on its composited
) → void -
Mark the compositing state for this render object as dirty.
) → void -
Mark this render object's layout information as dirty, and either register
this object with its PipelineOwner, or defer to the parent, depending on
whether this object is a relayout boundary or not respectively.
) → void -
Mark this render object's layout information as dirty (like
markNeedsLayout), and additionally also handle any necessary work to
handle the case where sizedByParent has changed value.
) → void -
Mark this render object as having changed its visual appearance.
) → void -
Mark this node as needing an update to its semantics description.
) → void -
Mark this render object's layout information as dirty, and then defer to
the parent.
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
PaintingContext context, Offset offset) → void -
Paint this render object into the given context at the given offset.
covariant RenderObject child) → bool -
Whether the given child would be painted if paint were called.
) → void -
Do the work of computing the layout for this render object.
) → void -
Updates the render objects size using only the constraints.
) → void -
Cause the entire subtree rooted at the given RenderObject to be marked
dirty for layout, paint, etc, so that the effects of a hot reload can be
seen, or so that the effect of changing a global debug flag (such as
debugPaintSizeEnabled) can be applied.
RenderObject child) → void -
Adjust the depth of the given
to be greater than this node's own depth.inherited -
) → void -
Adjust the depth of this node's children, if any.
OffsetLayer rootLayer) → void -
Replace the layer. This is only valid for the root of a render
object subtree (whatever object scheduleInitialPaint was
called on).
) → void -
Bootstrap the rendering pipeline by scheduling the very first layout.
ContainerLayer rootLayer) → void -
Bootstrap the rendering pipeline by scheduling the very first paint.
) → void -
Bootstrap the semantics reporting mechanism by marking this node
as needing a semantics update.
SemanticsEvent semanticsEvent) → void -
Sends a SemanticsEvent associated with this render object's SemanticsNode.
covariant RenderObject child) → void -
Override to setup parent data correctly for your children.
{RenderObject? descendant, Rect? rect, Duration duration =, Curve curve = Curves.ease}) → void -
Attempt to make (a portion of) this or a descendant RenderObject visible
on screen.
{String? name, DiagnosticsTreeStyle? style}) → DiagnosticsNode -
Returns a debug representation of the object that is used by debugging
tools and by DiagnosticsNode.toStringDeep.
{DiagnosticLevel minLevel =}) → String -
A string representation of this object.
{String prefixLineOne = '', String? prefixOtherLines = '', DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.debug, int wrapWidth = 65}) → String -
Returns a description of the tree rooted at this node.
If the prefix argument is provided, then every line in the output
will be prefixed by that string.
{String joiner = ', ', DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.debug}) → String -
Returns a one-line detailed description of the render object.
This description is often somewhat long.
) → String -
Returns a human understandable name.
{required covariant OffsetLayer? oldLayer}) → OffsetLayer -
Update the composited layer owned by this render object.
RenderObjectVisitor visitor) → void -
Calls visitor for each immediate child of this render object.
RenderObjectVisitor visitor) → void -
Called when collecting the semantics of this node.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.