minShowOnScreenExtent property

double minShowOnScreenExtent

The smallest the floating header can expand to in the main axis direction, in response to a RenderObject.showOnScreen call, in addition to its RenderSliverPersistentHeader.minExtent.

When a floating persistent header is told to show a Rect on screen, it may expand itself to accommodate the Rect. The minimum extent that is allowed for such expansion is either RenderSliverPersistentHeader.minExtent or minShowOnScreenExtent, whichever is larger. If the persistent header's current extent is already larger than that maximum extent, it will remain unchanged.

This parameter can be set to the persistent header's maxExtent (or double.infinity) so the persistent header will always try to expand when RenderObject.showOnScreen is called on it.

Defaults to double.negativeInfinity, must be less than or equal to maxShowOnScreenExtent. Has no effect unless the persistent header is a floating header.


final double minShowOnScreenExtent;