BoxConstraints class
Immutable layout constraints for RenderBox layout.
A Size respects a BoxConstraints if, and only if, all of the following relations hold:
- minWidth <= Size.width <= maxWidth
- minHeight <= Size.height <= maxHeight
The constraints themselves must satisfy these relations:
- 0.0 <= minWidth <= maxWidth <= double.infinity
- 0.0 <= minHeight <= maxHeight <= double.infinity
double.infinity is a legal value for each constraint.
The box layout model
Render objects in the Flutter framework are laid out by a one-pass layout model which walks down the render tree passing constraints, then walks back up the render tree passing concrete geometry.
For boxes, the constraints are BoxConstraints, which, as described herein, consist of four numbers: a minimum width minWidth, a maximum width maxWidth, a minimum height minHeight, and a maximum height maxHeight.
The geometry for boxes consists of a Size, which must satisfy the constraints described above.
Each RenderBox (the objects that provide the layout models for box widgets) receives BoxConstraints from its parent, then lays out each of its children, then picks a Size that satisfies the BoxConstraints.
Render objects position their children independently of laying them out. Frequently, the parent will use the children's sizes to determine their position. A child does not know its position and will not necessarily be laid out again, or repainted, if its position changes.
When the minimum constraints and the maximum constraint in an axis are the same, that axis is tightly constrained. See: BoxConstraints.tightFor, BoxConstraints.tightForFinite, tighten, hasTightWidth, hasTightHeight, isTight.
An axis with a minimum constraint of 0.0 is loose (regardless of the maximum constraint; if it is also 0.0, then the axis is simultaneously tight and loose!). See: BoxConstraints.loose, loosen.
An axis whose maximum constraint is not infinite is bounded. See: hasBoundedWidth, hasBoundedHeight.
An axis whose maximum constraint is infinite is unbounded. An axis is expanding if it is tightly infinite (its minimum and maximum constraints are both infinite). See: BoxConstraints.expand.
An axis whose minimum constraint is infinite is just said to be infinite (since by definition the maximum constraint must also be infinite in that case). See: hasInfiniteWidth, hasInfiniteHeight.
A size is constrained when it satisfies a BoxConstraints description. See: constrain, constrainWidth, constrainHeight, constrainDimensions, constrainSizeAndAttemptToPreserveAspectRatio, isSatisfiedBy.
- Inheritance
- Object
- Constraints
- BoxConstraints
- BoxConstraints({double minWidth = 0.0, double maxWidth = double.infinity, double minHeight = 0.0, double maxHeight = double.infinity})
Creates box constraints with the given constraints.
- BoxConstraints.expand({double? width, double? height})
Creates box constraints that expand to fill another box constraints.
- BoxConstraints.fromViewConstraints(ViewConstraints constraints)
- Creates box constraints that match the given view constraints.
- BoxConstraints.loose(Size size)
- Creates box constraints that forbid sizes larger than the given size.
- BoxConstraints.tight(Size size)
- Creates box constraints that is respected only by the given size.
- BoxConstraints.tightFor({double? width, double? height})
Creates box constraints that require the given width or height.
- BoxConstraints.tightForFinite({double width = double.infinity, double height = double.infinity})
Creates box constraints that require the given width or height, except if
they are infinite.
- biggest → Size
The biggest size that satisfies the constraints.
no setter
- flipped → BoxConstraints
A box constraints with the width and height constraints flipped.
no setter
- hasBoundedHeight → bool
Whether there is an upper bound on the maximum height.
no setter
- hasBoundedWidth → bool
Whether there is an upper bound on the maximum width.
no setter
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
- hasInfiniteHeight → bool
Whether the height constraint is infinite.
no setter
- hasInfiniteWidth → bool
Whether the width constraint is infinite.
no setter
- hasTightHeight → bool
Whether there is exactly one height value that satisfies the constraints.
no setter
- hasTightWidth → bool
Whether there is exactly one width value that satisfies the constraints.
no setter
- isNormalized → bool
Returns whether the object's constraints are normalized.
Constraints are normalized if the minimums are less than or
equal to the corresponding maximums.
no setteroverride
- isTight → bool
Whether there is exactly one size that satisfies the constraints.
no setteroverride
- maxHeight → double
The maximum height that satisfies the constraints.
- maxWidth → double
The maximum width that satisfies the constraints.
- minHeight → double
The minimum height that satisfies the constraints.
- minWidth → double
The minimum width that satisfies the constraints.
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
- smallest → Size
The smallest size that satisfies the constraints.
no setter
Size size) → Size - Returns the size that both satisfies the constraints and is as close as possible to the given size.
double width, double height) → Size - Returns the size that both satisfies the constraints and is as close as possible to the given width and height.
[double height = double.infinity]) → double - Returns the height that both satisfies the constraints and is as close as possible to the given height.
Size size) → Size - Returns a size that attempts to meet the following conditions, in order:
[double width = double.infinity]) → double - Returns the width that both satisfies the constraints and is as close as possible to the given width.
{double? minWidth, double? maxWidth, double? minHeight, double? maxHeight}) → BoxConstraints - Creates a copy of this box constraints but with the given fields replaced with the new values.
{bool isAppliedConstraint = false, InformationCollector? informationCollector}) → bool -
Asserts that the constraints are valid.
EdgeInsetsGeometry edges) → BoxConstraints - Returns new box constraints that are smaller by the given edge dimensions.
BoxConstraints constraints) → BoxConstraints - Returns new box constraints that respect the given constraints while being as close as possible to the original constraints.
) → BoxConstraints - Returns box constraints with the same height constraints but with unconstrained width.
Size size) → bool - Whether the given size satisfies the constraints.
) → BoxConstraints - Returns new box constraints that remove the minimum width and height requirements.
) → BoxConstraints - Returns a box constraints that isNormalized.
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
{double? width, double? height}) → BoxConstraints - Returns new box constraints with a tight width and/or height as close to the given width and height as possible while still respecting the original box constraints.
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
) → BoxConstraints - Returns box constraints with the same width constraints but with unconstrained height.
operator %(
double value) → BoxConstraints - Computes the remainder of each constraint parameter by the given value.
operator *(
double factor) → BoxConstraints - Scales each constraint parameter by the given factor.
operator /(
double factor) → BoxConstraints - Scales each constraint parameter by the inverse of the given factor.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.
operator ~/(
double factor) → BoxConstraints - Scales each constraint parameter by the inverse of the given factor, rounded to the nearest integer.
Static Methods
BoxConstraints? a, BoxConstraints? b, double t) → BoxConstraints? - Linearly interpolate between two BoxConstraints.