chipAnimationStyle property

  1. @override
ChipAnimationStyle? chipAnimationStyle

Used to override the default chip animations durations.

If ChipAnimationStyle.enableAnimation with duration or reverse duration is provided, it will be used to override the chip enable and disable animation durations. If it is null, then default duration will be 75ms.

If ChipAnimationStyle.selectAnimation with duration or reverse duration is provided, it will be used to override the chip select and unselect animation durations. If it is null, then default duration will be 195ms.

If ChipAnimationStyle.avatarDrawerAnimation with duration or reverse duration is provided, it will be used to override the chip checkmark animation duration. If it is null, then default duration will be 150ms.

If ChipAnimationStyle.deleteDrawerAnimation with duration or reverse duration is provided, it will be used to override the chip delete icon animation duration. If it is null, then default duration will be 150ms.

This sample showcases how to override the chip animations durations using ChipAnimationStyle.

To create a local project with this code sample, run:
flutter create --sample=material.ChipAttributes.chipAnimationStyle.1 mysample


final ChipAnimationStyle? chipAnimationStyle;