toString method
A string representation of this object.
Some classes have a default textual representation,
often paired with a static parse
function (like int.parse).
These classes will provide the textual representation as
their string representation.
Other classes have no meaningful textual representation
that a program will care about.
Such classes will typically override toString
to provide
useful information when inspecting the object,
mainly for debugging or logging.
String toString() {
final List<String> description = <String>[
if (icon != null) 'icon: $icon',
if (iconColor != null) 'iconColor: $iconColor',
if (label != null) 'label: $label',
if (labelText != null) 'labelText: "$labelText"',
if (floatingLabelStyle != null) 'floatingLabelStyle: "$floatingLabelStyle"',
if (helper != null) 'helper: "$helper"',
if (helperText != null) 'helperText: "$helperText"',
if (helperMaxLines != null) 'helperMaxLines: "$helperMaxLines"',
if (hintText != null) 'hintText: "$hintText"',
if (hintMaxLines != null) 'hintMaxLines: "$hintMaxLines"',
if (hintFadeDuration != null) 'hintFadeDuration: "$hintFadeDuration"',
if (!maintainHintHeight) 'maintainHintHeight: false',
if (error != null) 'error: "$error"',
if (errorText != null) 'errorText: "$errorText"',
if (errorStyle != null) 'errorStyle: "$errorStyle"',
if (errorMaxLines != null) 'errorMaxLines: "$errorMaxLines"',
if (floatingLabelBehavior != null) 'floatingLabelBehavior: $floatingLabelBehavior',
if (floatingLabelAlignment != null) 'floatingLabelAlignment: $floatingLabelAlignment',
if (isDense ?? false) 'isDense: $isDense',
if (contentPadding != null) 'contentPadding: $contentPadding',
if (isCollapsed ?? false) 'isCollapsed: $isCollapsed',
if (prefixIcon != null) 'prefixIcon: $prefixIcon',
if (prefixIconColor != null) 'prefixIconColor: $prefixIconColor',
if (prefix != null) 'prefix: $prefix',
if (prefixText != null) 'prefixText: $prefixText',
if (prefixStyle != null) 'prefixStyle: $prefixStyle',
if (prefixIconConstraints != null) 'prefixIconConstraints: $prefixIconConstraints',
if (suffixIcon != null) 'suffixIcon: $suffixIcon',
if (suffixIconColor != null) 'suffixIconColor: $suffixIconColor',
if (suffix != null) 'suffix: $suffix',
if (suffixText != null) 'suffixText: $suffixText',
if (suffixStyle != null) 'suffixStyle: $suffixStyle',
if (suffixIconConstraints != null) 'suffixIconConstraints: $suffixIconConstraints',
if (counter != null) 'counter: $counter',
if (counterText != null) 'counterText: $counterText',
if (counterStyle != null) 'counterStyle: $counterStyle',
if (filled ?? false) 'filled: true',
if (fillColor != null) 'fillColor: $fillColor',
if (focusColor != null) 'focusColor: $focusColor',
if (hoverColor != null) 'hoverColor: $hoverColor',
if (errorBorder != null) 'errorBorder: $errorBorder',
if (focusedBorder != null) 'focusedBorder: $focusedBorder',
if (focusedErrorBorder != null) 'focusedErrorBorder: $focusedErrorBorder',
if (disabledBorder != null) 'disabledBorder: $disabledBorder',
if (enabledBorder != null) 'enabledBorder: $enabledBorder',
if (border != null) 'border: $border',
if (!enabled) 'enabled: false',
if (semanticCounterText != null) 'semanticCounterText: $semanticCounterText',
if (alignLabelWithHint != null) 'alignLabelWithHint: $alignLabelWithHint',
if (constraints != null) 'constraints: $constraints',
return 'InputDecoration(${description.join(', ')})';