InputDecoration class

The border, labels, icons, and styles used to decorate a Material Design text field.

The TextField and InputDecorator classes use InputDecoration objects to describe their decoration. (In fact, this class is merely the configuration of an InputDecorator, which does all the heavy lifting.)

This sample shows how to style a TextField using an InputDecorator. The TextField displays a "send message" icon to the left of the input area, which is surrounded by a border an all sides. It displays the hintText inside the input area to help the user understand what input is required. It displays the helperText and counterText below the input area.


To create a local project with this code sample, run:
flutter create --sample=material.InputDecoration.1 mysample

This sample shows how to style a "collapsed" TextField using an InputDecorator. The collapsed TextField surrounds the hint text and input area with a border, but does not add padding around them.


To create a local project with this code sample, run:
flutter create --sample=material.InputDecoration.2 mysample

This sample shows how to create a TextField with hint text, a red border on all sides, and an error message. To display a red border and error message, provide errorText to the InputDecoration constructor.


To create a local project with this code sample, run:
flutter create --sample=material.InputDecoration.3 mysample

This sample shows how to style a TextField with a round border and additional text before and after the input area. It displays "Prefix" before the input area, and "Suffix" after the input area.


To create a local project with this code sample, run:
flutter create --sample=material.InputDecoration.4 mysample

This sample shows how to style a TextField with a prefixIcon that changes color based on the WidgetState. The color defaults to gray and is green while focused.

To create a local project with this code sample, run:
flutter create --sample=material.InputDecoration.5 mysample

This sample shows how to style a TextField with a prefixIcon that changes color based on the WidgetState through the use of ThemeData. The color defaults to gray, be blue while focused and red if in an error state.

To create a local project with this code sample, run:
flutter create --sample=material.InputDecoration.6 mysample

See also:



InputDecoration({Widget? icon, Color? iconColor, Widget? label, String? labelText, TextStyle? labelStyle, TextStyle? floatingLabelStyle, Widget? helper, String? helperText, TextStyle? helperStyle, int? helperMaxLines, String? hintText, TextStyle? hintStyle, TextDirection? hintTextDirection, int? hintMaxLines, Duration? hintFadeDuration, bool maintainHintHeight = true, Widget? error, String? errorText, TextStyle? errorStyle, int? errorMaxLines, FloatingLabelBehavior? floatingLabelBehavior, FloatingLabelAlignment? floatingLabelAlignment, bool? isCollapsed, bool? isDense, EdgeInsetsGeometry? contentPadding, Widget? prefixIcon, BoxConstraints? prefixIconConstraints, Widget? prefix, String? prefixText, TextStyle? prefixStyle, Color? prefixIconColor, Widget? suffixIcon, Widget? suffix, String? suffixText, TextStyle? suffixStyle, Color? suffixIconColor, BoxConstraints? suffixIconConstraints, Widget? counter, String? counterText, TextStyle? counterStyle, bool? filled, Color? fillColor, Color? focusColor, Color? hoverColor, InputBorder? errorBorder, InputBorder? focusedBorder, InputBorder? focusedErrorBorder, InputBorder? disabledBorder, InputBorder? enabledBorder, InputBorder? border, bool enabled = true, String? semanticCounterText, bool? alignLabelWithHint, BoxConstraints? constraints})
Creates a bundle of the border, labels, icons, and styles used to decorate a Material Design text field.
InputDecoration.collapsed({required String? hintText, @Deprecated('Invalid parameter because a collapsed decoration has no label. ' 'This feature was deprecated after v3.24.0-0.1.pre.') FloatingLabelBehavior? floatingLabelBehavior, @Deprecated('Invalid parameter because a collapsed decoration has no label. ' 'This feature was deprecated after v3.24.0-0.1.pre.') FloatingLabelAlignment? floatingLabelAlignment, TextStyle? hintStyle, TextDirection? hintTextDirection, int? hintMaxLines, Duration? hintFadeDuration, bool maintainHintHeight = true, bool? filled = false, Color? fillColor, Color? focusColor, Color? hoverColor, InputBorder? border = InputBorder.none, bool enabled = true, BoxConstraints? constraints})
Defines an InputDecorator that is the same size as the input field.


alignLabelWithHint bool?
Typically set to true when the InputDecorator contains a multiline TextField (TextField.maxLines is null or > 1) to override the default behavior of aligning the label with the center of the TextField.
border InputBorder?
The shape of the border to draw around the decoration's container.
constraints BoxConstraints?
Defines minimum and maximum sizes for the InputDecorator.
contentPadding EdgeInsetsGeometry?
The padding for the input decoration's container.
counter Widget?
Optional custom counter widget to go in the place otherwise occupied by counterText. If this property is non null, then counterText is ignored.
counterStyle TextStyle?
The style to use for the counterText.
counterText String?
Optional text to place below the line as a character count.
disabledBorder InputBorder?
The border to display when the InputDecorator is disabled and is not showing an error.
enabled bool
If false helperText,errorText, and counterText are not displayed, and the opacity of the remaining visual elements is reduced.
enabledBorder InputBorder?
The border to display when the InputDecorator is enabled and is not showing an error.
error Widget?
Optional widget that appears below the InputDecorator.child and the border.
errorBorder InputBorder?
The border to display when the InputDecorator does not have the focus and is showing an error.
errorMaxLines int?
The maximum number of lines the errorText can occupy.
errorStyle TextStyle?
The style to use for the InputDecoration.errorText.
errorText String?
Text that appears below the InputDecorator.child and the border.
fillColor Color?
The base fill color of the decoration's container color.
filled bool?
If true the decoration's container is filled with fillColor.
floatingLabelAlignment FloatingLabelAlignment?
Defines where the floating label should be displayed.
floatingLabelBehavior FloatingLabelBehavior?
Defines how the floating label should behave.
floatingLabelStyle TextStyle?
The style to use for InputDecoration.labelText when the label is above (i.e., vertically adjacent to) the input field.
focusColor Color?
The fill color of the decoration's container when it has the input focus.
focusedBorder InputBorder?
The border to display when the InputDecorator has the focus and is not showing an error.
focusedErrorBorder InputBorder?
The border to display when the InputDecorator has the focus and is showing an error.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
helper Widget?
Optional widget that appears below the InputDecorator.child.
helperMaxLines int?
The maximum number of lines the helperText can occupy.
helperStyle TextStyle?
The style to use for the helperText.
helperText String?
Text that provides context about the InputDecorator.child's value, such as how the value will be used.
hintFadeDuration Duration?
The duration of the hintText fade in and fade out animations.
hintMaxLines int?
The maximum number of lines the hintText can occupy.
hintStyle TextStyle?
The style to use for the hintText.
hintText String?
Text that suggests what sort of input the field accepts.
hintTextDirection TextDirection?
The direction to use for the hintText.
hoverColor Color?
The color of the highlight for the decoration shown if the container is being hovered over by a mouse.
icon Widget?
An icon to show before the input field and outside of the decoration's container.
iconColor Color?
The color of the icon.
isCollapsed bool?
Whether the decoration is the same size as the input field.
isDense bool?
Whether the InputDecorator.child is part of a dense form (i.e., uses less vertical space).
label Widget?
Optional widget that describes the input field.
labelStyle TextStyle?
The style to use for InputDecoration.labelText when the label is on top of the input field.
labelText String?
Optional text that describes the input field.
maintainHintHeight bool
Whether the input field's height should always be greater than or equal to the height of the hintText, even if the hintText is not visible.
prefix Widget?
Optional widget to place on the line before the input.
prefixIcon Widget?
An icon that appears before the prefix or prefixText and before the editable part of the text field, within the decoration's container.
prefixIconColor Color?
Optional color of the prefixIcon
prefixIconConstraints BoxConstraints?
The constraints for the prefix icon.
prefixStyle TextStyle?
The style to use for the prefixText.
prefixText String?
Optional text prefix to place on the line before the input.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
semanticCounterText String?
A semantic label for the counterText.
suffix Widget?
Optional widget to place on the line after the input.
suffixIcon Widget?
An icon that appears after the editable part of the text field and after the suffix or suffixText, within the decoration's container.
suffixIconColor Color?
Optional color of the suffixIcon.
suffixIconConstraints BoxConstraints?
The constraints for the suffix icon.
suffixStyle TextStyle?
The style to use for the suffixText.
suffixText String?
Optional text suffix to place on the line after the input.


applyDefaults(InputDecorationTheme theme) InputDecoration
Used by widgets like TextField and InputDecorator to create a new InputDecoration with default values taken from the theme.
copyWith({Widget? icon, Color? iconColor, Widget? label, String? labelText, TextStyle? labelStyle, TextStyle? floatingLabelStyle, Widget? helper, String? helperText, TextStyle? helperStyle, int? helperMaxLines, String? hintText, TextStyle? hintStyle, TextDirection? hintTextDirection, Duration? hintFadeDuration, int? hintMaxLines, bool? maintainHintHeight, Widget? error, String? errorText, TextStyle? errorStyle, int? errorMaxLines, FloatingLabelBehavior? floatingLabelBehavior, FloatingLabelAlignment? floatingLabelAlignment, bool? isCollapsed, bool? isDense, EdgeInsetsGeometry? contentPadding, Widget? prefixIcon, Widget? prefix, String? prefixText, BoxConstraints? prefixIconConstraints, TextStyle? prefixStyle, Color? prefixIconColor, Widget? suffixIcon, Widget? suffix, String? suffixText, TextStyle? suffixStyle, Color? suffixIconColor, BoxConstraints? suffixIconConstraints, Widget? counter, String? counterText, TextStyle? counterStyle, bool? filled, Color? fillColor, Color? focusColor, Color? hoverColor, InputBorder? errorBorder, InputBorder? focusedBorder, InputBorder? focusedErrorBorder, InputBorder? disabledBorder, InputBorder? enabledBorder, InputBorder? border, bool? enabled, String? semanticCounterText, bool? alignLabelWithHint, BoxConstraints? constraints}) InputDecoration
Creates a copy of this input decoration with the given fields replaced by the new values.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.