FloatingActionButtonLocation class abstract
An object that defines a position for the FloatingActionButton based on the Scaffold's ScaffoldPrelayoutGeometry.
Flutter provides FloatingActionButtonLocations for the common FloatingActionButton placements in Material Design applications. These locations are available as static members of this class.
Floating Action Button placements
The following diagrams show the available placement locations for the FloatingActionButton.
See also:
- FloatingActionButton, which is a circular button typically shown in the bottom right corner of the app.
- FloatingActionButtonAnimator, which is used to animate the Scaffold.floatingActionButton from one FloatingActionButtonLocation to another.
- ScaffoldPrelayoutGeometry, the geometry that FloatingActionButtonLocations use to position the FloatingActionButton.
- Implementers
- FloatingActionButtonLocation()
Abstract const constructor. This constructor enables subclasses to provide
const constructors so that they can be used in const expressions.
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
ScaffoldPrelayoutGeometry scaffoldGeometry) → Offset - Places the FloatingActionButton based on the Scaffold's layout.
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.
- centerDocked → const FloatingActionButtonLocation
- Centered FloatingActionButton, floating over the Scaffold.bottomNavigationBar so that the center of the floating action button lines up with the top of the bottom navigation bar.
- centerFloat → const FloatingActionButtonLocation
- Centered FloatingActionButton, floating at the bottom of the screen.
- centerTop → const FloatingActionButtonLocation
- Centered FloatingActionButton, floating over the transition between the Scaffold.appBar and the Scaffold.body.
- endContained → const FloatingActionButtonLocation
- End-aligned FloatingActionButton, floating over the Scaffold.bottomNavigationBar so that the floating action button lines up with the center of the bottom navigation bar.
- endDocked → const FloatingActionButtonLocation
- End-aligned FloatingActionButton, floating over the Scaffold.bottomNavigationBar so that the center of the floating action button lines up with the top of the bottom navigation bar.
- endFloat → const FloatingActionButtonLocation
- End-aligned FloatingActionButton, floating at the bottom of the screen.
- endTop → const FloatingActionButtonLocation
- End-aligned FloatingActionButton, floating over the transition between the Scaffold.appBar and the Scaffold.body.
- miniCenterDocked → const FloatingActionButtonLocation
- Centered FloatingActionButton, floating over the Scaffold.bottomNavigationBar so that the center of the floating action button lines up with the top of the bottom navigation bar; intended to be used with FloatingActionButton.mini set to true.
- miniCenterFloat → const FloatingActionButtonLocation
- Centered FloatingActionButton, floating at the bottom of the screen, optimized for mini floating action buttons.
- miniCenterTop → const FloatingActionButtonLocation
- Centered FloatingActionButton, floating over the transition between the Scaffold.appBar and the Scaffold.body, intended to be used with FloatingActionButton.mini set to true.
- miniEndDocked → const FloatingActionButtonLocation
- End-aligned FloatingActionButton, floating over the Scaffold.bottomNavigationBar so that the center of the floating action button lines up with the top of the bottom navigation bar, optimized for mini floating action buttons.
- miniEndFloat → const FloatingActionButtonLocation
- End-aligned FloatingActionButton, floating at the bottom of the screen, optimized for mini floating action buttons.
- miniEndTop → const FloatingActionButtonLocation
- End-aligned FloatingActionButton, floating over the transition between the Scaffold.appBar and the Scaffold.body, optimized for mini floating action buttons.
- miniStartDocked → const FloatingActionButtonLocation
- Start-aligned FloatingActionButton, floating over the Scaffold.bottomNavigationBar so that the center of the floating action button lines up with the top of the bottom navigation bar, optimized for mini floating action buttons.
- miniStartFloat → const FloatingActionButtonLocation
- Start-aligned FloatingActionButton, floating at the bottom of the screen, optimized for mini floating action buttons.
- miniStartTop → const FloatingActionButtonLocation
- Start-aligned FloatingActionButton, floating over the transition between the Scaffold.appBar and the Scaffold.body, optimized for mini floating action buttons.
- startDocked → const FloatingActionButtonLocation
- Start-aligned FloatingActionButton, floating over the Scaffold.bottomNavigationBar so that the center of the floating action button lines up with the top of the bottom navigation bar.
- startFloat → const FloatingActionButtonLocation
- Start-aligned FloatingActionButton, floating at the bottom of the screen.
- startTop → const FloatingActionButtonLocation
- Start-aligned FloatingActionButton, floating over the transition between the Scaffold.appBar and the Scaffold.body.