color property
The color for the row.
By default, the color is transparent unless selected. Selected rows has a grey translucent color.
The effective color can depend on the WidgetState state, if the row is selected, pressed, hovered, focused, disabled or enabled. The color is painted as an overlay to the row. To make sure that the row's InkWell is visible (when pressed, hovered and focused), it is recommended to use a translucent color.
If onSelectChanged or onLongPress is null, the row's InkWell will be disabled.
color: WidgetStateProperty.resolveWith<Color?>((Set<WidgetState> states) {
if (states.contains(WidgetState.selected)) {
return Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primary.withOpacity(0.08);
return null; // Use the default value.
cells: const <DataCell>[
// ...
See also:
- The Material Design specification for overlay colors and how they match a component's state:
final MaterialStateProperty<Color?>? color;