copyWith method
- Clip? clipBehavior,
- Color? color,
- Color? shadowColor,
- Color? surfaceTintColor,
- double? elevation,
- EdgeInsetsGeometry? margin,
- ShapeBorder? shape,
Creates a copy of this object with the given fields replaced with the new values.
This method is obsolete and will be deprecated in a future release: please use the CardThemeData.copyWith instead.
CardTheme copyWith({
Clip? clipBehavior,
Color? color,
Color? shadowColor,
Color? surfaceTintColor,
double? elevation,
EdgeInsetsGeometry? margin,
ShapeBorder? shape,
}) {
return CardTheme(
clipBehavior: clipBehavior ?? this.clipBehavior,
color: color ?? this.color,
shadowColor: shadowColor ?? this.shadowColor,
surfaceTintColor: surfaceTintColor ?? this.surfaceTintColor,
elevation: elevation ?? this.elevation,
margin: margin ?? this.margin,
shape: shape ?? this.shape,