collectAllSemanticsNodesFrom function

Iterable<SemanticsNode> collectAllSemanticsNodesFrom(
  1. SemanticsNode root, {
  2. DebugSemanticsDumpOrder order = DebugSemanticsDumpOrder.traversalOrder,

Provides an iterable that efficiently returns all the SemanticsNodes rooted at the given SemanticsNode. See CachingIterable for details.

By default, this will traverse the semantics tree in semantic traversal order, but the traversal order can be changed by passing in a different value to order.

This function must be called again if the semantics change. You cannot call this function once, then reuse the iterable after having changed the state of the tree, because the iterable returned by this function caches the results and only walks the tree once.

The same applies to any iterable obtained indirectly through this one, for example the results of calling where on this iterable are also cached.


Iterable<SemanticsNode> collectAllSemanticsNodesFrom(
  SemanticsNode root, {
  DebugSemanticsDumpOrder order = DebugSemanticsDumpOrder.traversalOrder,
}) {
  return CachingIterable<SemanticsNode>(_DepthFirstSemanticsTreeIterator(root, order));