dragFrom method

Future<void> dragFrom(
  1. Offset startLocation,
  2. Offset offset, {
  3. int? pointer,
  4. int buttons = kPrimaryButton,
  5. double touchSlopX = kDragSlopDefault,
  6. double touchSlopY = kDragSlopDefault,
  7. PointerDeviceKind kind = PointerDeviceKind.touch,

Attempts a drag gesture consisting of a pointer down, a move by the given offset, and a pointer up.

If you want the drag to end with a speed so that the gesture recognition system identifies the gesture as a fling, consider using flingFrom instead.

The operation happens at once. If you want the drag to last for a period of time, consider using timedDragFrom.

By default, if the x or y component of offset is greater than kDragSlopDefault, the gesture is broken up into two separate moves calls. Changing touchSlopX or touchSlopY will change the minimum amount of movement in the respective axis before the drag will be broken into multiple calls. To always send the drag with just a single call to TestGesture.moveBy, touchSlopX and touchSlopY should be set to 0.

Breaking the drag into multiple moves is necessary for accurate execution of drag update calls with a DragStartBehavior variable set to DragStartBehavior.start. Without such a change, the dragUpdate callback from a drag recognizer will never be invoked.

To force this function to a send a single move event, the touchSlopX and touchSlopY variables should be set to 0. However, generally, these values should be left to their default values.


Future<void> dragFrom(
  Offset startLocation,
  Offset offset, {
  int? pointer,
  int buttons = kPrimaryButton,
  double touchSlopX = kDragSlopDefault,
  double touchSlopY = kDragSlopDefault,
  PointerDeviceKind kind = PointerDeviceKind.touch,
}) {
  assert(kDragSlopDefault > kTouchSlop);
  return TestAsyncUtils.guard<void>(() async {
    final TestGesture gesture = await startGesture(
      pointer: pointer,
      buttons: buttons,
      kind: kind,

    final double xSign = offset.dx.sign;
    final double ySign = offset.dy.sign;

    final double offsetX = offset.dx;
    final double offsetY = offset.dy;

    final bool separateX = offset.dx.abs() > touchSlopX && touchSlopX > 0;
    final bool separateY = offset.dy.abs() > touchSlopY && touchSlopY > 0;

    if (separateY || separateX) {
      final double offsetSlope = offsetY / offsetX;
      final double inverseOffsetSlope = offsetX / offsetY;
      final double slopSlope = touchSlopY / touchSlopX;
      final double absoluteOffsetSlope = offsetSlope.abs();
      final double signedSlopX = touchSlopX * xSign;
      final double signedSlopY = touchSlopY * ySign;
      if (absoluteOffsetSlope != slopSlope) {
        // The drag goes through one or both of the extents of the edges of the box.
        if (absoluteOffsetSlope < slopSlope) {
          assert(offsetX.abs() > touchSlopX);
          // The drag goes through the vertical edge of the box.
          // It is guaranteed that the |offsetX| > touchSlopX.
          final double diffY = offsetSlope.abs() * touchSlopX * ySign;

          // The vector from the origin to the vertical edge.
          await gesture.moveBy(Offset(signedSlopX, diffY));
          if (offsetY.abs() <= touchSlopY) {
            // The drag ends on or before getting to the horizontal extension of the horizontal edge.
            await gesture.moveBy(Offset(offsetX - signedSlopX, offsetY - diffY));
          } else {
            final double diffY2 = signedSlopY - diffY;
            final double diffX2 = inverseOffsetSlope * diffY2;

            // The vector from the edge of the box to the horizontal extension of the horizontal edge.
            await gesture.moveBy(Offset(diffX2, diffY2));
            await gesture.moveBy(Offset(offsetX - diffX2 - signedSlopX, offsetY - signedSlopY));
        } else {
          assert(offsetY.abs() > touchSlopY);
          // The drag goes through the horizontal edge of the box.
          // It is guaranteed that the |offsetY| > touchSlopY.
          final double diffX = inverseOffsetSlope.abs() * touchSlopY * xSign;

          // The vector from the origin to the vertical edge.
          await gesture.moveBy(Offset(diffX, signedSlopY));
          if (offsetX.abs() <= touchSlopX) {
            // The drag ends on or before getting to the vertical extension of the vertical edge.
            await gesture.moveBy(Offset(offsetX - diffX, offsetY - signedSlopY));
          } else {
            final double diffX2 = signedSlopX - diffX;
            final double diffY2 = offsetSlope * diffX2;

            // The vector from the edge of the box to the vertical extension of the vertical edge.
            await gesture.moveBy(Offset(diffX2, diffY2));
            await gesture.moveBy(Offset(offsetX - signedSlopX, offsetY - diffY2 - signedSlopY));
      } else {
        // The drag goes through the corner of the box.
        await gesture.moveBy(Offset(signedSlopX, signedSlopY));
        await gesture.moveBy(Offset(offsetX - signedSlopX, offsetY - signedSlopY));
    } else {
      // The drag ends inside the box.
      await gesture.moveBy(offset);
    await gesture.up();