runTest abstract method

Future<void> runTest(
  1. Future<void> testBody(
    1. VoidCallback invariantTester,
    2. {String description = ''}

    Call the testBody inside a FakeAsync scope on which pump can advance time.

    Returns a future which completes when the test has run.

    Called by the testWidgets and benchmarkWidgets functions to run a test.

    The invariantTester argument is called after the testBody's Future completes. If it throws, then the test is marked as failed.

    The description is used by the LiveTestWidgetsFlutterBinding to show a label on the screen during the test. The description comes from the value passed to testWidgets.


    Future<void> runTest(
      Future<void> Function() testBody,
      VoidCallback invariantTester, {
      String description = '',