GlobalCupertinoLocalizations class abstract

Implementation of localized strings for Cupertino widgets using the intl package for date and time formatting.

Further localization of strings beyond date time formatting are provided by language specific subclasses of GlobalCupertinoLocalizations.

Supported languages

This class supports locales with the following Locale.languageCodes:

  • af - Afrikaans
  • am - Amharic
  • ar - Arabic
  • as - Assamese
  • az - Azerbaijani
  • be - Belarusian
  • bg - Bulgarian
  • bn - Bengali Bangla
  • bs - Bosnian
  • ca - Catalan Valencian
  • cs - Czech
  • cy - Welsh
  • da - Danish
  • de - German (plus one country variation)
  • el - Modern Greek
  • en - English (plus 8 country variations)
  • es - Spanish Castilian (plus 20 country variations)
  • et - Estonian
  • eu - Basque
  • fa - Persian
  • fi - Finnish
  • fil - Filipino Pilipino
  • fr - French (plus one country variation)
  • gl - Galician
  • gsw - Swiss German Alemannic Alsatian
  • gu - Gujarati
  • he - Hebrew
  • hi - Hindi
  • hr - Croatian
  • hu - Hungarian
  • hy - Armenian
  • id - Indonesian
  • is - Icelandic
  • it - Italian
  • ja - Japanese
  • ka - Georgian
  • kk - Kazakh
  • km - Khmer Central Khmer
  • kn - Kannada
  • ko - Korean
  • ky - Kirghiz Kyrgyz
  • lo - Lao
  • lt - Lithuanian
  • lv - Latvian
  • mk - Macedonian
  • ml - Malayalam
  • mn - Mongolian
  • mr - Marathi
  • ms - Malay
  • my - Burmese
  • nb - Norwegian Bokmål
  • ne - Nepali
  • nl - Dutch Flemish
  • no - Norwegian
  • or - Oriya
  • pa - Panjabi Punjabi
  • pl - Polish
  • pt - Portuguese (plus one country variation)
  • ro - Romanian Moldavian Moldovan
  • ru - Russian
  • si - Sinhala Sinhalese
  • sk - Slovak
  • sl - Slovenian
  • sq - Albanian
  • sr - Serbian (plus 2 scripts)
  • sv - Swedish
  • sw - Swahili
  • ta - Tamil
  • te - Telugu
  • th - Thai
  • tl - Tagalog
  • tr - Turkish
  • uk - Ukrainian
  • ur - Urdu
  • uz - Uzbek
  • vi - Vietnamese
  • zh - Chinese (plus 2 country variations and 2 scripts)
  • zu - Zulu

This list is available programmatically via kCupertinoSupportedLanguages.

Sample code

To include the localizations provided by this class in a CupertinoApp, add GlobalCupertinoLocalizations.delegates to CupertinoApp.localizationsDelegates, and specify the locales your app supports with CupertinoApp.supportedLocales:

const CupertinoApp(
  localizationsDelegates: GlobalCupertinoLocalizations.delegates,
  supportedLocales: <Locale>[
    Locale('en', 'US'), // American English
    Locale('he', 'IL'), // Israeli Hebrew
    // ...
  // ...

See also:

Implemented types


GlobalCupertinoLocalizations({required String localeName, required DateFormat fullYearFormat, required DateFormat dayFormat, required DateFormat weekdayFormat, required DateFormat mediumDateFormat, required DateFormat singleDigitHourFormat, required DateFormat singleDigitMinuteFormat, required DateFormat doubleDigitMinuteFormat, required DateFormat singleDigitSecondFormat, required NumberFormat decimalFormat})
Initializes an object that defines the Cupertino widgets' localized strings for the given localeName.


alertDialogLabel String
The term used by the system to announce dialog alerts.
no setterinherited
anteMeridiemAbbreviation String
The abbreviation for ante meridiem (before noon) shown in the time picker.
no setterinherited
clearButtonLabel String
The term used for clearing a field.
no setterinherited
copyButtonLabel String
The term used for copying.
no setterinherited
cutButtonLabel String
The term used for cutting.
no setterinherited
datePickerDateOrder DatePickerDateOrder
The order of the date elements that will be shown in CupertinoDatePicker.
no setteroverride
datePickerDateOrderString String
A string describing the DatePickerDateOrder enum value.
no setter
datePickerDateTimeOrder DatePickerDateTimeOrder
The order of the time elements that will be shown in CupertinoDatePicker.
no setteroverride
datePickerDateTimeOrderString String
A string describing the DatePickerDateTimeOrder enum value.
no setter
datePickerHourSemanticsLabelFew String?
Subclasses should provide the optional few pluralization of datePickerHourSemanticsLabel based on the ARB file.
no setter
datePickerHourSemanticsLabelMany String?
Subclasses should provide the optional many pluralization of datePickerHourSemanticsLabel based on the ARB file.
no setter
datePickerHourSemanticsLabelOne String?
Subclasses should provide the optional one pluralization of datePickerHourSemanticsLabel based on the ARB file.
no setter
datePickerHourSemanticsLabelOther String?
Subclasses should provide the required other pluralization of datePickerHourSemanticsLabel based on the ARB file.
no setter
datePickerHourSemanticsLabelTwo String?
Subclasses should provide the optional two pluralization of datePickerHourSemanticsLabel based on the ARB file.
no setter
datePickerHourSemanticsLabelZero String?
Subclasses should provide the optional zero pluralization of datePickerHourSemanticsLabel based on the ARB file.
no setter
datePickerMinuteSemanticsLabelFew String?
Subclasses should provide the optional few pluralization of datePickerMinuteSemanticsLabel based on the ARB file.
no setter
datePickerMinuteSemanticsLabelMany String?
Subclasses should provide the optional many pluralization of datePickerMinuteSemanticsLabel based on the ARB file.
no setter
datePickerMinuteSemanticsLabelOne String?
Subclasses should provide the optional one pluralization of datePickerMinuteSemanticsLabel based on the ARB file.
no setter
datePickerMinuteSemanticsLabelOther String?
Subclasses should provide the required other pluralization of datePickerMinuteSemanticsLabel based on the ARB file.
no setter
datePickerMinuteSemanticsLabelTwo String?
Subclasses should provide the optional two pluralization of datePickerMinuteSemanticsLabel based on the ARB file.
no setter
datePickerMinuteSemanticsLabelZero String?
Subclasses should provide the optional zero pluralization of datePickerMinuteSemanticsLabel based on the ARB file.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
lookUpButtonLabel String
The term used for looking up a selection.
no setterinherited
Label read out by accessibility tools (VoiceOver) for a context menu to indicate that a tap outside dismisses the context menu.
no setterinherited
modalBarrierDismissLabel String
Label read out by accessibility tools (VoiceOver) for a modal barrier to indicate that a tap dismisses the barrier.
no setterinherited
noSpellCheckReplacementsLabel String
Label that appears in the Cupertino toolbar when the spell checker couldn't find any replacements for the current word.
no setterinherited
pasteButtonLabel String
The term used for pasting.
no setterinherited
postMeridiemAbbreviation String
The abbreviation for post meridiem (after noon) shown in the time picker.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
searchTextFieldPlaceholderLabel String
The default placeholder used in CupertinoSearchTextField.
no setterinherited
searchWebButtonLabel String
The term used for launching a web search on a selection.
no setterinherited
selectAllButtonLabel String
The term used for selecting everything.
no setterinherited
shareButtonLabel String
The term used for launching a web search on a selection.
no setterinherited
tabSemanticsLabelRaw String
The raw version of tabSemanticsLabel, with $tabIndex and $tabCount verbatim in the string.
no setter
timerPickerHourLabelFew String?
Subclasses should provide the optional few pluralization of timerPickerHourLabel based on the ARB file.
no setter
timerPickerHourLabelMany String?
Subclasses should provide the optional many pluralization of timerPickerHourLabel based on the ARB file.
no setter
timerPickerHourLabelOne String?
Subclasses should provide the optional one pluralization of timerPickerHourLabel based on the ARB file.
no setter
timerPickerHourLabelOther String?
Subclasses should provide the required other pluralization of timerPickerHourLabel based on the ARB file.
no setter
timerPickerHourLabels List<String>
All possible hour labels that appears next to the hour picker in CupertinoTimerPicker
no setteroverride
timerPickerHourLabelTwo String?
Subclasses should provide the optional two pluralization of timerPickerHourLabel based on the ARB file.
no setter
timerPickerHourLabelZero String?
Subclasses should provide the optional zero pluralization of timerPickerHourLabel based on the ARB file.
no setter
timerPickerMinuteLabelFew String?
Subclasses should provide the optional few pluralization of timerPickerMinuteLabel based on the ARB file.
no setter
timerPickerMinuteLabelMany String?
Subclasses should provide the optional many pluralization of timerPickerMinuteLabel based on the ARB file.
no setter
timerPickerMinuteLabelOne String?
Subclasses should provide the optional one pluralization of timerPickerMinuteLabel based on the ARB file.
no setter
timerPickerMinuteLabelOther String?
Subclasses should provide the required other pluralization of timerPickerMinuteLabel based on the ARB file.
no setter
timerPickerMinuteLabels List<String>
All possible minute labels that appears next to the minute picker in CupertinoTimerPicker
no setteroverride
timerPickerMinuteLabelTwo String?
Subclasses should provide the optional two pluralization of timerPickerMinuteLabel based on the ARB file.
no setter
timerPickerMinuteLabelZero String?
Subclasses should provide the optional zero pluralization of timerPickerMinuteLabel based on the ARB file.
no setter
timerPickerSecondLabelFew String?
Subclasses should provide the optional few pluralization of timerPickerSecondLabel based on the ARB file.
no setter
timerPickerSecondLabelMany String?
Subclasses should provide the optional many pluralization of timerPickerSecondLabel based on the ARB file.
no setter
timerPickerSecondLabelOne String?
Subclasses should provide the optional one pluralization of timerPickerSecondLabel based on the ARB file.
no setter
timerPickerSecondLabelOther String?
Subclasses should provide the required other pluralization of timerPickerSecondLabel based on the ARB file.
no setter
timerPickerSecondLabels List<String>
All possible second labels that appears next to the second picker in CupertinoTimerPicker
no setteroverride
timerPickerSecondLabelTwo String?
Subclasses should provide the optional two pluralization of timerPickerSecondLabel based on the ARB file.
no setter
timerPickerSecondLabelZero String?
Subclasses should provide the optional zero pluralization of timerPickerSecondLabel based on the ARB file.
no setter
todayLabel String
Label shown in date pickers when the date is today.
no setterinherited


datePickerDayOfMonth(int dayIndex, [int? weekDay]) String
Day of month that is shown in CupertinoDatePicker spinner corresponding to the given day index.
datePickerHour(int hour) String
Hour that is shown in CupertinoDatePicker spinner corresponding to the given hour value.
datePickerHourSemanticsLabel(int hour) String?
Semantics label for the given hour value in CupertinoDatePicker.
datePickerMediumDate(DateTime date) String
The medium-width date format that is shown in CupertinoDatePicker spinner. Abbreviates month and days of week.
datePickerMinute(int minute) String
Minute that is shown in CupertinoDatePicker spinner corresponding to the given minute value.
datePickerMinuteSemanticsLabel(int minute) String?
Semantics label for the given minute value in CupertinoDatePicker.
datePickerMonth(int monthIndex) String
Month that is shown in CupertinoDatePicker spinner corresponding to the given month index.
datePickerStandaloneMonth(int monthIndex) String
Month that is shown in CupertinoDatePicker spinner corresponding to the given month index in CupertinoDatePickerMode.monthYear mode.
datePickerYear(int yearIndex) String
Year that is shown in CupertinoDatePicker spinner corresponding to the given year index.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
tabSemanticsLabel({required int tabIndex, required int tabCount}) String
The accessibility label used on a tab in a CupertinoTabBar.
timerPickerHour(int hour) String
Hour that is shown in CupertinoTimerPicker corresponding to the given hour value.
timerPickerHourLabel(int hour) String?
Label that appears next to the hour picker in CupertinoTimerPicker when selected hour value is hour. This function will deal with pluralization based on the hour parameter.
timerPickerMinute(int minute) String
Minute that is shown in CupertinoTimerPicker corresponding to the given minute value.
timerPickerMinuteLabel(int minute) String?
Label that appears next to the minute picker in CupertinoTimerPicker when selected minute value is minute. This function will deal with pluralization based on the minute parameter.
timerPickerSecond(int second) String
Second that is shown in CupertinoTimerPicker corresponding to the given second value.
timerPickerSecondLabel(int second) String?
Label that appears next to the minute picker in CupertinoTimerPicker when selected minute value is second. This function will deal with pluralization based on the second parameter.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


delegate → const LocalizationsDelegate<CupertinoLocalizations>
A LocalizationsDelegate for CupertinoLocalizations.
delegates → const List<LocalizationsDelegate>
A value for CupertinoApp.localizationsDelegates that's typically used by internationalized apps.