TimelineSummary class

Extracts statistics from a Timeline.


TimelineSummary.summarize(Timeline _timeline)
Creates a timeline summary given a full timeline object.


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
summaryJson Map<String, dynamic>
Encodes this summary as JSON.
no setter


computeAverageFrameBuildTimeMillis() double
Average amount of time spent per frame in the framework building widgets, updating layout, painting and compositing.
computeAverageFrameRasterizerTimeMillis() double
Average amount of time spent per frame in the engine rasterizer.
computeMissedFrameBuildBudgetCount() int
The number of frames that missed the kBuildBudget and therefore are in the danger of missing frames.
computeMissedFrameRasterizerBudgetCount() int
The number of frames that missed the kBuildBudget on the raster thread and therefore are in the danger of missing frames.
computePercentileFrameBuildTimeMillis(double p) double
The p-th percentile frame rasterization time in milliseconds.
computePercentileFrameRasterizerTimeMillis(double p) double
The p-th percentile frame rasterization time in milliseconds.
computeStandardDeviationFrameRasterizerTimeMillis() double
Standard deviation amount of time spent per frame in the engine rasterizer.
computeWorstFrameBuildTimeMillis() double
The longest frame build time in milliseconds.
computeWorstFrameRasterizerTimeMillis() double
The longest frame rasterization time in milliseconds.
countFrames() int
The total number of frames recorded in the timeline.
countRasterizations() int
The total number of rasterizer cycles recorded in the timeline.
newGenerationGarbageCollections() int
The total number of new generation garbage collections recorded in the timeline.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
oldGenerationGarbageCollections() int
The total number of old generation garbage collections recorded in the timeline.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
writeTimelineToFile(String traceName, {String? destinationDirectory, bool pretty = false, bool includeSummary = true}) Future<void>
Writes all of the recorded timeline data to a file.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.