FlutterDriver class abstract

Drives a Flutter Application running in another process.



Default constructor.
FlutterDriver.connectedTo({FlutterWebConnection? webConnection, VmService? serviceClient, Isolate? appIsolate})
Creates a driver that uses a connection provided by either the combination of webConnection, or the combination of serviceClient and appIsolate for the VM.


appIsolate Isolate
Getter of appIsolate.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
serviceClient VmService
Getter of serviceClient.
no setter
webDriver WebDriver
Getter of webDriver.
no setter


checkHealth({Duration? timeout}) Future<Health>
Checks the status of the Flutter Driver extension.
clearTimeline({Duration timeout = kUnusuallyLongTimeout}) Future<void>
Clears all timeline events recorded up until now.
close() Future<void>
Closes the underlying connection to the VM service.
enterText(String text, {Duration? timeout}) Future<void>
Enters text into the currently focused text input, such as the EditableText widget.
forceGC() Future<void>
Force a garbage collection run in the VM.
getBottomLeft(SerializableFinder finder, {Duration? timeout}) Future<DriverOffset>
Returns the point at the bottom left of the widget identified by finder.
getBottomRight(SerializableFinder finder, {Duration? timeout}) Future<DriverOffset>
Returns the point at the bottom right of the widget identified by finder.
getCenter(SerializableFinder finder, {Duration? timeout}) Future<DriverOffset>
Returns the point at the center of the widget identified by finder.
getLayerTree({Duration? timeout}) Future<LayerTree>
Returns a dump of the layer tree.
getRenderObjectDiagnostics(SerializableFinder finder, {int subtreeDepth = 0, bool includeProperties = true, Duration? timeout}) Future<Map<String, Object?>>
Returns a JSON map of the DiagnosticsNode that is associated with the RenderObject identified by finder.
getRenderTree({Duration? timeout}) Future<RenderTree>
Returns a dump of the render tree.
getSemanticsId(SerializableFinder finder, {Duration? timeout}) Future<int>
Retrieves the semantics node id for the object returned by finder, or the nearest ancestor with a semantics node.
getText(SerializableFinder finder, {Duration? timeout}) Future<String>
Returns the text in the Text widget located by finder.
getTopLeft(SerializableFinder finder, {Duration? timeout}) Future<DriverOffset>
Returns the point at the top left of the widget identified by finder.
getTopRight(SerializableFinder finder, {Duration? timeout}) Future<DriverOffset>
Returns the point at the top right of the widget identified by finder.
getVmFlags() Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>>
Returns the Flags set in the Dart VM as JSON.
getWidgetDiagnostics(SerializableFinder finder, {int subtreeDepth = 0, bool includeProperties = true, Duration? timeout}) Future<Map<String, Object?>>
Returns a JSON map of the DiagnosticsNode that is associated with the Widget identified by finder.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
requestData(String? message, {Duration? timeout}) Future<String>
Sends a string and returns a string.
runUnsynchronized<T>(Future<T> action(), {Duration? timeout}) Future<T>
action will be executed with the frame sync mechanism disabled.
screenshot({ScreenshotFormat format = ScreenshotFormat.png}) Future<List<int>>
Take a screenshot.
scroll(SerializableFinder finder, double dx, double dy, Duration duration, {int frequency = 60, Duration? timeout}) Future<void>
Tell the driver to perform a scrolling action.
scrollIntoView(SerializableFinder finder, {double alignment = 0.0, Duration? timeout}) Future<void>
Scrolls the Scrollable ancestor of the widget located by finder until the widget is completely visible.
scrollUntilVisible(SerializableFinder scrollable, SerializableFinder item, {double alignment = 0.0, double dxScroll = 0.0, double dyScroll = 0.0, Duration? timeout}) Future<void>
Repeatedly scroll the widget located by scrollable by dxScroll and dyScroll until item is visible, and then use scrollIntoView to ensure the item's final position matches alignment.
sendCommand(Command command) Future<Map<String, dynamic>>
Sends command to the Flutter Driver extensions. This must be implemented by subclass.
sendTextInputAction(TextInputAction action, {Duration? timeout}) Future<void>
Simulate the user posting a text input action.
setSemantics(bool enabled, {Duration? timeout}) Future<bool>
Turns semantics on or off in the Flutter app under test.
setTextEntryEmulation({required bool enabled, Duration? timeout}) Future<void>
Configures text entry emulation.
startTracing({List<TimelineStream> streams = const <TimelineStream>[TimelineStream.all], Duration timeout = kUnusuallyLongTimeout}) Future<void>
Starts recording performance traces.
stopTracingAndDownloadTimeline({Duration timeout = kUnusuallyLongTimeout}) Future<Timeline>
Stops recording performance traces and downloads the timeline.
tap(SerializableFinder finder, {Duration? timeout}) Future<void>
Taps at the center of the widget located by finder.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
traceAction(Future action(), {List<TimelineStream> streams = const <TimelineStream>[TimelineStream.all], bool retainPriorEvents = false}) Future<Timeline>
Runs action and outputs a performance trace for it.
waitFor(SerializableFinder finder, {Duration? timeout}) Future<void>
Waits until finder locates the target.
waitForAbsent(SerializableFinder finder, {Duration? timeout}) Future<void>
Waits until finder can no longer locate the target.
waitForCondition(SerializableWaitCondition waitCondition, {Duration? timeout}) Future<void>
Waits until the given waitCondition is satisfied.
waitForTappable(SerializableFinder finder, {Duration? timeout}) Future<void>
Waits until finder is tappable.
waitUntilFirstFrameRasterized() Future<void>
Waits until the next dart:ui.PlatformDispatcher.onReportTimings is called.
waitUntilNoTransientCallbacks({Duration? timeout}) Future<void>
Waits until there are no more transient callbacks in the queue.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

connect({String? dartVmServiceUrl, bool printCommunication = false, bool logCommunicationToFile = true, int? isolateNumber, Pattern? fuchsiaModuleTarget, Duration? timeout, Map<String, dynamic>? headers}) Future<FlutterDriver>
Connects to a Flutter application.