dart:ui_web library


This class downloads assets over the network.
The core Browser Detection functionality from the Flutter web engine.
Delegates to real browser APIs to provide platform location functionality.
This class exposes web-only attributes for the registered views in a multi-view app.
This is an implementation of UrlStrategy that uses the browser URL's hash fragments to represent its state.
Encapsulates all calls to DOM apis, which allows the UrlStrategy classes to be platform agnostic and testable.
A registry for factories that create platform views.
Represents and reads route state from the browser's URL.


The HTML engine used by the current browser.
Operating system where the current browser runs.


SingletonFlutterWindowExtension on SingletonFlutterWindow


assetManager AssetManager
Provides the AssetManager used by the Flutter Engine.
no setter
benchmarkValueCallback BenchmarkValueCallback?
A callback for receiving benchmark values.
no getter
browser BrowserDetection
A short-hand accessor to the BrowserDetection.instance singleton.
getter/setter pair
debugDefaultUrlStrategyOverride UrlStrategy?
Overrides the default URL strategy.
getter/setter pair
debugEmulateFlutterTesterEnvironment bool
Whether the Flutter engine is running in flutter test emulation mode.
getter/setter pair
isCustomUrlStrategySet bool
Whether a custom URL strategy has been set or not.
getter/setter pair
platformViewRegistry PlatformViewRegistry
The platform view registry for this app.
urlStrategy UrlStrategy?
Returns the present UrlStrategy for handling the browser URL.
getter/setter pair
views FlutterViewManagerProxy
Exposes web-only functionality for this app's FlutterViews objects.


bootstrapEngine({VoidCallback? registerPlugins, VoidCallback? runApp}) Future<void>
Bootstraps the Flutter Web engine and app.
createImageCodecFromUrl(Uri uri, {ImageCodecChunkCallback? chunkCallback}) Future<Codec>
Creates a ui.Codec for the image located at uri.
createImageFromImageBitmap(JSAny imageSource) FutureOr<Image>
Creates a ui.Image from an ImageBitmap object.
createImageFromTextureSource(JSAny object, {required int width, required int height, bool transferOwnership = false}) FutureOr<Image>
Creates a ui.Image from a valid texture source (for example HTMLImageElement | HTMLVideoElement | HTMLCanvasElement).
debugOverrideDevicePixelRatio(double? value) → void
Overrides the value of ui.FlutterView.devicePixelRatio in tests.
debugResetCustomUrlStrategy() → void
Resets everything to do with custom URL strategy.
preventCustomUrlStrategy() → void
From this point on, prevents setting a custom URL strategy.
setPluginHandler(PlatformMessageCallback handler) → void
Sets the handler that forwards platform messages to web plugins.


BenchmarkValueCallback = void Function(String name, double value)
Signature of the callback that receives a benchmark value labeled by name.
EventListener = dynamic Function(Object event)
Function type that handles pop state events.
ImageCodecChunkCallback = void Function(int cumulativeBytesLoaded, int expectedTotalBytes)
Signature of the callback that receives progress updates as image chunks are loaded.
ParameterizedPlatformViewFactory = Object Function(int viewId, {Object? params})
A function which takes a unique id and some params and creates an HTML element.
PlatformViewFactory = Object Function(int viewId)
A function which takes a unique id and creates an HTML element.
PopStateListener = void Function(Object? state)
Callback that receives the new state of the browser history entry.