getAssetUrl method

String getAssetUrl(
  1. String asset

Returns the URL to load the asset from, given the asset key.

We URL-encode the asset URL in order to correctly issue the right HTTP request to the server.

For example, if you have an asset in the file "assets/hello world.png", two things will happen. When the app is built, the asset will be copied to an asset directory with the file name URL-encoded. So our asset will be copied to something like "assets/hello%20world.png". To account for the assets being copied over with a URL-encoded name, the Flutter framework URL-encodes the asset key so when it sends a request to the engine to load "assets/hello world.png", it actually sends a request to load "assets/hello%20world.png". However, on the web, if we try to load "assets/hello%20world.png", the request will be URL-decoded, we will request "assets/hello world.png", and the request will 404. Therefore, we must URL-encode the asset key again so when it is decoded, it is requesting the once-URL-encoded asset key.


String getAssetUrl(String asset) {
  if (Uri.parse(asset).hasScheme) {
    return Uri.encodeFull(asset);
  return Uri.encodeFull('$_baseUrl$assetsDir/$asset');