toString method

  1. @override
String toString()

A string representation of this object.

Some classes have a default textual representation, often paired with a static parse function (like int.parse). These classes will provide the textual representation as their string representation.

Other classes have no meaningful textual representation that a program will care about. Such classes will typically override toString to provide useful information when inspecting the object, mainly for debugging or logging.


String toString() {
  final List<String>? fontFamilyFallback = _fontFamilyFallback;
  final String heightText = _encoded[0] & 0x02000 == 0x02000  ? (_height == kTextHeightNone ? 'kTextHeightNone' : '${_height}x') : 'unspecified';
  return 'TextStyle('
           'color: ${              _encoded[0] & 0x00002 == 0x00002  ? Color(_encoded[1])                           : "unspecified"}, '
           'decoration: ${         _encoded[0] & 0x00004 == 0x00004  ? TextDecoration._(_encoded[2])                : "unspecified"}, '
           'decorationColor: ${    _encoded[0] & 0x00008 == 0x00008  ? Color(_encoded[3])                           : "unspecified"}, '
           'decorationStyle: ${    _encoded[0] & 0x00010 == 0x00010  ? TextDecorationStyle.values[_encoded[4]]      : "unspecified"}, '
           // The decorationThickness is not in encoded order in order to keep it near the other decoration properties.
           'decorationThickness: ${_encoded[0] & 0x00100 == 0x00100  ? _decorationThickness                         : "unspecified"}, '
           'fontWeight: ${         _encoded[0] & 0x00020 == 0x00020  ? FontWeight.values[_encoded[5]]               : "unspecified"}, '
           'fontStyle: ${          _encoded[0] & 0x00040 == 0x00040  ? FontStyle.values[_encoded[6]]                : "unspecified"}, '
           'textBaseline: ${       _encoded[0] & 0x00080 == 0x00080  ? TextBaseline.values[_encoded[7]]             : "unspecified"}, '
           'fontFamily: ${         _encoded[0] & 0x00200 == 0x00200
                                   && _fontFamily != ''              ? _fontFamily                                  : "unspecified"}, '
           'fontFamilyFallback: ${ _encoded[0] & 0x00200 == 0x00200
                                   && fontFamilyFallback != null
                                   && fontFamilyFallback.isNotEmpty ? fontFamilyFallback                            : "unspecified"}, '
           'fontSize: ${           _encoded[0] & 0x00400 == 0x00400  ? _fontSize                                    : "unspecified"}, '
           'letterSpacing: ${      _encoded[0] & 0x00800 == 0x00800  ? "${_letterSpacing}x"                         : "unspecified"}, '
           'wordSpacing: ${        _encoded[0] & 0x01000 == 0x01000  ? "${_wordSpacing}x"                           : "unspecified"}, '
           'height: $heightText, '
           'leadingDistribution: ${_leadingDistribution ?? "unspecified"}, '
           'locale: ${             _encoded[0] & 0x04000 == 0x04000  ? _locale                                      : "unspecified"}, '
           'background: ${         _encoded[0] & 0x08000 == 0x08000  ? _background                                  : "unspecified"}, '
           'foreground: ${         _encoded[0] & 0x10000 == 0x10000  ? _foreground                                  : "unspecified"}, '
           'shadows: ${            _encoded[0] & 0x20000 == 0x20000  ? _shadows                                     : "unspecified"}, '
           'fontFeatures: ${       _encoded[0] & 0x40000 == 0x40000  ? _fontFeatures                                : "unspecified"}, '
           'fontVariations: ${     _encoded[0] & 0x80000 == 0x80000  ? _fontVariations                              : "unspecified"}'