Uint16Pointer extension

Extension on Pointer specialized for the type argument Uint16.



value int
The 16-bit unsigned integer at address.
getter/setter pair


asTypedList(int length, {Pointer<NativeFinalizerFunction>? finalizer, Pointer<Void>? token}) Uint16List
Creates a typed list view backed by memory in the address space.
elementAt(int index) Pointer<Uint16>
Pointer arithmetic (takes element size into account).


operator +(int offset) Pointer<Uint16>
A pointer to the offsetth Uint16 after this one.
operator -(int offset) Pointer<Uint16>
A pointer to the offsetth Uint16 before this one.
operator [](int index) int
The 16-bit unsigned integer at address + sizeOf<Uint16>() * index.
operator []=(int index, int value) → void
The 16-bit unsigned integer at address + sizeOf<Uint16>() * index.